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Expert Meetings on BREF "Waste Treatment Industries"

Fotolia © Heng kong Chen

Expert Meetings on BREF "Waste Treatment Industries"

Berlin, Germany

As part of implementing the Directive on Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC-Directive), the Best Available Techniques (BAT) for waste treatment industries were identified in a European-wide process and described in the BAT REFerence document (BREF) "waste treatment industries".

Three expert meetings aimed at co-ordinating, developing and approving the German contribution to the formulation of the BREF "waste treatment industries". About 20 representatives from industry, research and the responsible authorities participated in the events.

The implementation of the IPPC-Directive should help to prevent or reduce emissions from industrial plants to air, water and soil through an integrated concept as much as possible. The Directive aims at a general European harmonisation which will contribute to both environmental protection and the reduction of distortions of competition between locations. One instrument which is central to the realisation of its goals is the creation of BREFs which lay down the best available techniques (BAT) in Europe for different types of industrial plants.

These documents are to assist the responsible authorities across Europe in issuing permits for industrial plants. In addition to the best available techniques, the BREFs also contain emission and consumption data, which gives them a great factual weight in the approval of industrial plants. The documents are prepared by "Technical Working Groups", which are composed of representatives of the Member States, industry and environmental organisations, through a formalised information exchange, the so-called Sevilla process.

BREF covers waste incineration and some thermal waste treatments

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Wenke Schönfelder
Maic Verbücheln
Nadine Herbke
Berlin, Germany
Project ID
EC, Waste, IPPC, integrated product policy, BREF, EIPPCB, Sevilla process
Expert discussion