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Evaluation of the German Adaptation Strategy – Reporting and Closing Indicator Gaps

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Evaluation of the German Adaptation Strategy – Reporting and Closing Indicator Gaps


The central aim of this project is to develop a systematic concept for detecting and communicating climate change impacts. This concept, developed in adherence to the content of the German Adaptation Strategy, should improve the understanding of knowledge base of climate impacts, enable analysis of successful adaptation measures in Germany and information of the public.

The German Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change (DAS) was adopted by the German Federal Government in December 2008. The strategy covers 15 sectors. The Adaptation Action Plan (APA), released in August 2011, fleshes out the objectives and options for action suggested in the DAS with specific activities.

To evaluate the success of adaptation activities in Germany the project will develop an evaluation concept for the German Adaptation Strategy. The project seeks to prepare an indicator system draft and a first indicator report, which will integrate comments from different federal and Länder Ministries as well as the scientific community and other stakeholders. Ecologic Institute is responsible for the development of indicators for the field "Hydrology and water management." The work is based on a previous project, which was implemented by Bosch & Partner and Ecologic Institute as well.


Dr. Darla N. Nickel
Marlene Angela Lange
Project ID
Water, Adaptation, Indicators, German Adaptation Strategy