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Indicators for the German Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change

Indicators for the German Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change

Indicators for the German Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change


The central aim of this project is the development of a systematic concept for detecting and communicating climate change impacts. This concept, developed in adherence to the content of the German Adaptation Strategy, should improve the knowledge base, enable the analysis of the success of adaptations measures in Germany and meet (public) reporting needs.

Simultaneously, it anticipates the expected future reporting duties of EU Member States on climate change adaptation measures. The specific goal is to propose suitable indicators for the performance control of the German Adaptation Strategy in parallel to the publication of the Adaptation Action Plan in spring 2011. Furthermore, a suggestion for their presentation in form of a federal level indicator-based report should be made. The Ecologic Institute is responsible for the development of indicators for the Field “Hydrology and resources management”.


Dr. Darla N. Nickel
Project ID
Adaptation, Climate change, water, German Adaptation Strategy, water management, indicators, flood protection, coastal protection
Europe, Germany