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3rd Workshop on Fish Protection and Downstream Migration: Protection & Preservation of Fish Populations – What is Needed?

(c) Ecologic Institut

3rd Workshop on Fish Protection and Downstream Migration: Protection & Preservation of Fish Populations – What is Needed?

Koblenz, Germany

The third workshop in the Forum on Fish Protection and Downstream Migration addressed the biological foundations and management strategies for the protection and preservation of fish populations. The special focus of the workshop were the challenges to protecting and preserving fish populations during their downstream migrations at dams, hydropower structures, and water extraction facilities. The workshop’s goals were to establish an open discussion surrounding fish protection and downstream migration, as well as to identify areas of conflict, to develop a basis for a common understanding, and to identify remaining questions. The results paper (in German) is available for download.

The event was the third workshop in a series on the topic of fish protection and downstream migration financed by the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) and organized by Ecologic Institute. The workshop took place at the German Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG) in Koblenz from 25 to 26 April 2013. At the workshop, seventy-five participants from federal and regional water resource management authorities, NGOs, consultancies, water managers, and hydropower engaged themselves on the topic of protecting and preserving fish populations during their downstream migration at dams, hydropower structures, and water extraction facilities. The workshop’s goals were to enable an open discussion to identify areas of conflict, consensus for problem solving, and to discuss open questions surrounding fish protection and downstream migration.

At the workshop, three parallel working groups addressed the topics of fish population ecology and protection and downstream migration measures to establish, preserve, and protect fish populations. The discussions at the workshop built off of the results of the previous two workshops in the forum, encompassing basic comprehension of the topic as well as specific practical applications of the existing scientific knowledge about fish populations. Furthermore, participants discussed which target species are relevant for evaluations according to the EU Water Framework Directive or the EU Habitats Directive, which reasons explain the current degraded status of fish populations, and which strategies and measures should be implemented to support the protection and establishment of fish populations.

A results paper (in German) presenting the detailed findings of the workshop is available on the fish forum project website.


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Brandon Goeller
Elena Hofmann
Koblenz, Germany
Project ID
Water, EU Water Framework Directive, WFD, Fish Protection, Downstream Fish Migration, Nature Conservation, Biodiversity, Energy, Best Practices
Germany, Switzerland, Austria