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Kumulative Wirkung dreier Standorte innerhalb der Wanderstrecke mehrerer Teilpopulationen einer Art in einem Gewässersystem


Kumulative Wirkung dreier Standorte innerhalb der Wanderstrecke mehrerer Teilpopulationen einer Art in einem Gewässersystem


Ecologic Institut & IGF Jena / FLUSS (2015): "Kumulative Wirkung dreier Standorte innerhalb der Wanderstrecke mehrerer Teilpopulationen einer Art in einem Gewässersystem". Infographic published in: Schmalz, Wolfgang; Falko Wagner und Damien Sonny 2015: "Arbeitshilfe zur standörtlichen Evaluierung des Fischschutzes und Fischabstiegs.", page 103.

This infographic visualizes the cumulative impacts of technical water installations in the migration path of fish.

The infographic is part of a manual that focuses on the site specific evaluation of the efficiency of fish protection and bypass systems. Standardized evaluation principles are defined to promote significant, comparable studies. The manual constitutes a framework for an objective evaluation process.

The infographic is published under a creative commons license CC BY 4.0. That means it can be copied and redistributed in any medium or format and for any purpose as long as appropriate credit to the authors is given.

The cumulative impacts of all technical water installations in the migration area of fish determine the effects on population biology.


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Media format: coloured infographic for a printed manual

Copyright: CC BY 4.0

Concept: Falko Wagner (IGF - Institut für Gewässerökologie & Fischereibiologie), Melanie Kemper

Graphic design: Beáta Vargová

Published in
Arbeitshilfe zur standörtlichen Evaluierung des Fischschutzes und Fischabstiegs
2398 x 2002 px
Project ID
fish protection, fisch migration, evaluation, cumulative effect, site, population biology
infographic, visualization, illustration, creative commons, manual, handbook