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Best Practices in Sustainable Urban Mobility

Fotolia © H-J Paulsen

Best Practices in Sustainable Urban Mobility

São Paulo, Brazil
Max Grünig

Ecologic Institute's Max Grünig participated in a debate on “Automobiles and Consumption: Mobility, Emissions and Energy Efficiency”, organised on February 26, 2013 by the Instituto Brasileiro de Defesa do Consumidor (Brasilian Institute for Consumer Protection) in São Paulo, Brasil. The presentation aoout "Best Practices in Sustainable Urban Mobility" is available for download.

Max Grünig's presentation [pdf, 1 MB, English] highlighted several European cities with good transit management approaches: London, for example, charges a fee when drivers enter congested areas, La Rochelle and Bremen have implemented integrated mobility concepts and Copenhagen has pursued bicycle-oriented urban development. The presentation concluded with recommendations for policy makers supporting sustainable transport and mobility.

Additionally to this presentation, Max Grünig also spoke about Car Labeling: A Comparison of Case Studies.