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CO2 Label for Passenger Cars: Research on the Country-specific Labeling Classification of Passenger Cars II

Fotolia© H-J Paulsen

CO2 Label for Passenger Cars: Research on the Country-specific Labeling Classification of Passenger Cars II


The requirements of EU Directive 1999/94/EC on fuel efficiency labeling of passenger cars are implemented differently in the Member States. In addition, several non-EU countries have developed their own labeling schemes. Ecologic Institute compared the different schemes in a research report. In addition, an Excel tool has been prepared to illustrate the different approaches used.

The project compared labelling in the following EU Member States:

  • Belgium
  • Germany
  • Spain
  • France
  • The Netherlands
  • United Kingdom

In addition, the following non-EU Member States were also included:

  • Brazil
  • China
  • India
  • Korea
  • Switzerland
  • United States

The analysis looked into the design of the label as well as into the criteria or parameter for classifying cars. A key differentiating parameter appeared to be:

  • absolute labelling based on greenhouse gas emissions; or
  • relative labelling based on greenhouse gase emissions and additional parameters such as weight or footprint.

As part of a report, Ecologic Institute compared these different approaches. The project also resulted in an Excel tool, which allows users to determine the particular label value in each country as a function of data from individual car models. A sensitivity analysis was also run in order to identify limiting factors in the label attribution.

The partner SiNERGi covered India, Korea and China.


Max Grünig
Project ID
passenger car labelling, database, CO2 label
Belgium, Brasil, Switzerland. China, Germany, Spain, France, India, South Korea, Netherlands, Great Britain, USA
analysis, report, Excel tool, sensitivity analysis