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Evaluation of the Implementation of Auctions in EU ETS

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Evaluation of the Implementation of Auctions in EU ETS


The Ecologic Institute evaluated and supported the implementation of auctions in the EU's emissions trading scheme third trading period in the aviation sector and for stationary sources, focusing on economic aspects. In this context, Ecologic Institute assessed potential benchmarks and criteria for the auctioning of emissions certificates based on an assessment of the current markets for EUAs. Additionally, the terms for the direct and indirect access to auctions – e.g. via banks - and platforms were monitored and empirically evaluated.

Moreover, the interaction between auctions and secondary markets was investigated both in theory and empirically.

Project outputs were presented and discussed in a workshop of experts and stakeholders to obtain additional input and feedback for the project.

The methods and tools applied in the project included:

  • Designing and elaborating evaluation criteria for auction platform design
  • Assessing the terms of direct and indirect access to the auctions through interviews and surveys
  • Analysing the interaction between auctions and secondary markets through statistical analysis of market data
  • Organising a workshop for experts
  • Provision of expert advice on international best practices regarding auction design

Expert Workshop "Emissions Trading Market Access for Operators of Installations Subject to EU-ETS"

In the context of the event on 29 January 2014, the results of a company survey undertaken in the summer of 2013 were discussed. In the survey, Ecologic Institute and the German Emissions Trading Office asked power plant operators about their trading strategies. Particular attention was paid to their familiarity with auctions and specifically with the low-threshold "Auction Only" access.

More information about the event.


More content from this project

Max Grünig
Elizabeth Zelljadt
Michael Schock
Sabine Lund
Project ID
EU-ETS, emissions trading, EEX, ICE, third trading period, evaluation, statistical analysis, survey, aviation, financial markets
Europe, Germany
evaluation criteria, auction platform design, interviews, surveys, statistical analysis, workshop for international experts