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Dr. Tim Wawer

Dr. Tim Wawer




Dr. Tim Wawer is an Associate at Ecologic Institute. He works on the market and system integration of renewable energy technologies and the necessary reorganization of the electrical system. Dr. Tim Wawer has profound knowledge of possible market designs and the potential flexibility of power systems with high shares of renewable energies. He works in German, English, and Spanish.

Prior to joining Ecologic Institute, Dr. Tim Wawer worked at the German Energy Agency (dena). There he worked on mechanisms for developing the energy services market. He also did research on the importance of electricity and heat storage systems as well as expanding the use of combined heat and power in electricity systems with high shares of renewable energy. In the past, Dr. Tim Wawer worked for GDF SUEZ Energie Deutschland AG analyzing energy policy. He was in charge of grid connection rules and the design of international electricity trade. Beside his work at Ecologic Institute, he is also a lecturer in the energy economics master's program of Haus der Technik e.V. in Essen (Germany), the external institute of the RWTH Aachen University.

Dr. Tim Wawer is an economist, having studied at the University of Münster (WWU, Germany) and the Universidad de La Habana (Cuba) with a focus on environmental & resource economics and international economic relations. He wrote his thesis on the integration of renewable energy technologies into the liberalized German electricity sector while he was employed as a research fellow at WWU.