Effectiveness of Current Policy Frameworks in Mitigating Climate-induced Risks
Relating to Human Security and Conflict (Israel/Palestine)
- Publication
- Citation
Bar-On, Haran and Christiane Gerstetter 2012: Effectiveness of current policy frameworks in mitigating climate-induced risks relating to human security and conflict - case study on Israel and the occupied Palestinian Territories. Ecologic Institute, Berlin.
This case study analyses policy-frameworks in Israel and the occupied Palestinian Territory (oPT) which are relevant for addressing water-related impacts of climate change that could have negative impact on human security and conflict. The effectiveness of these policy frameworks is analyzed, based mainly on interviews with Israeli and Palestinian experts. The case study [pdf, 824 KB, English] is available for download.
- Language
- Authorship
Haran Bar-OnDr. Christiane Gerstetter
- Year
- Dimension
- 43 pp.
- Project
- Project ID
- Table of contents
Click to show full table of contents
- Introduction
- Background
2.1 Water-related impacts of climate change
2.1.1 Physical impacts
2.1.2 Impacts on human security and conflict - Awareness
3.1 Israel
3.2 oPT - Policy Framework
4.1 Joint policy framework
4.1.1 Description
4.1.2 Effectiveness to mitigate impacts on HS and conflict
4.2 Separate policy frameworks
4.2.1 Israel
4.2.2 oPT - Expectations and demands
5.1 Israeli narrative
5.1.1 Expectations regarding the joint policy framework
5.1.2 Expectations for mitigating water related impacts on human security in the Bedouin population
5.1.3 Additional expectations on national policies
5.2 Palestinian narrative - Evaluation of results
6.1 Climate change impacts on water related human security and conflict
6.2 Effectiveness of current policy framework in addressing the issues
6.2.1 The joint framework
6.2.2 Separate policy frameworks
6.3 Stakeholders' expectations and demands from a future policy framework
- Keywords
conflict, water, climateMediterranean, Middle East, Israel, Palestine
Climate Change, Hydro-conflicts and Human Security (CLICO)
- Duration
- Funding
European Commission, Directorate-General Research & Innovation (DG Research & Innovation), International
Gerstetter, Christiane et al. 2012: The effectiveness of policy frameworks for addressing climate-induced risks to human security and conflict – Report on stakeholder perspectives and demands (short version). Ecologic Institute, Berlin.
Gerstetter, Christiane et al. 2012: The effectiveness of policy frameworks for addressing climate-induced risks to human security and conflict - Report on stakeholder perspectives and demands. Ecologic Institute, Berlin.
Gerstetter, Christiane et al. 2011: Review of policies on climate change, water conflicts and human security. Ecologic Institute, Berlin.
Social and Economic Benefits of Enhanced Environmental Protection in ENP Countries
- Duration
- Funding
European Commission, Directorate-General Development and Cooperation (EuropeAid), International
Lecture:International Agreements on Climate Change, Biodiversity and Public Participation - an Introduction
- Date
- Location
- Ramallah