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The Effectiveness of Policy Frameworks for Addressing Climate-induced Risks to Human Security and Conflict (short version)

The Effectiveness of Policy Frameworks for Addressing Climate-induced Risks to Human Security and Conflict (short version)

Report on Stakeholder Perspectives and Demands (short version)


Gerstetter, Christiane et al. 2012: The effectiveness of policy frameworks for addressing climate-induced risks to human security and conflict – Report on stakeholder perspectives and demands (short version). Ecologic Institute, Berlin.

This is the short version of a longer analysis of the effectiveness of policy frameworks for addressing hydro-climatic hazards and their impacts on human security and conflict, which is based mainly on interviews conducted with policy-makers and experts in Ethiopia, Morocco, Israel and the occupied Palestinian Territories (oPT), as well as representatives of the EU and the UN. This short version [pdf, 732 KB, English] is available for download.

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11 pp.
Project ID
Konflikt, Wasser, Klima
Mittelmeer, Naher Osten