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Ecologic Newsletter No 113 – May 2012



  1. The Role of BRICS in the Developing World - Study for the European Parliament
  2. Rio+20: Sustainable Development Goals - The Environmental Pillar - Publication
  3. The Earth Summit "Rio+20:" Implications for Chile and its Development - Presentations
  4. Economic Growth and Sustainability? Framing a New Model for Development - Presentation
  5. RADOST Stakeholder Analysis (Part II) - Publication
  6. Arctic Summer College 2012 - Event
  7. Mainstreaming Ecosystem Services through Reformed European Agricultural Policies - Publication
  8. Evidence-Based Policy-Making - Ph.D. Workshop (2012)
  9. Impact Assessment of Adaptation Options - Methodology for Selecting Options - Presentation
  10. Water Expertise Showcased at the Green Week 2012 - News

  1. The Role of BRICS in the Developing World - Study for the European Parliament

    With this study, researchers from Südwind Institute (project lead) and Ecologic Institute inform the European Parliament about how the five emerging economies known collectively as the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) are emerging as development assistance donors and potential partners in the developing world. The authors discuss how South-South cooperation is becoming more significant and what challenges it poses to the EU's ODA agenda. Finally, the study provides a series of recommendations for European policy makers. The study is available for download.

  2. Rio+20: Sustainable Development Goals - The Environmental Pillar - Publication

    Ecologic Institute and Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP) prepared a paper that gives an overview of selected sustainable development commitments, their shortcomings, and possible remedies, as discussed and agreed by relevant political fora. The paper is available for download.

  3. The Earth Summit "Rio+20:" Implications for Chile and its Development - Presentations

    Chile's options for greater environmental sustainability formed the central theme of a high-level conference at the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) in Santiago on 18 April 2012. With two keynote presentations, Michael Mehling of Ecologic Institute in Washington DC framed the lively debate on political strategies and policy options, thereby providing an international perspective on best practices and expectations. The presentations are available for download.

  4. Economic Growth and Sustainability? Framing a New Model for Development - Presentation

    Twenty years after the first Rio Summit, the global community faces continued challenges in reconciling economic prosperity and growth with environmental sustainability. At a civil society conference held in São Paulo, Brazil, Michael Mehling of Ecologic Institute in Washington DC framed the debate and laid out major challenges and opportunities on the agenda of the upcoming UN Conference on Sustainable Development ("Rio+20"). The presentation outline and slides are available for download.

  5. RADOST Stakeholder Analysis (Part II) - Publication

    How do relevant stakeholders on the Baltic Sea Coast perceive climate change in their region? What adaptation measures are well known and which should be implemented? Additionally, who are the relevant stakeholders? These and other questions are answered in the first part of the RADOST stakeholder analysis, which was written by staff members of Ecologic Institute. The report is available for download.

  6. Arctic Summer College 2012 - Event

    In summer 2012, Ecologic Institute will convene the Arctic Summer College– a virtual course and new Arctic network that aims to build a lasting, policy-oriented network of Arctic professionals. Applications from emerging leaders in relevant fields of Arctic science, policy, business, and government will be accepted until 30 May 2012.

  7. Mainstreaming Ecosystem Services through Reformed European Agricultural Policies - Publication

    In this article published in Conservation Letters, members of the interdisciplinary Research Group on Ecosystem Services examine the possibilities and perspectives for a reorientation of the EU's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The authors find that the current reform proposals do not take into account the knowledge generated by ecosystem research. They argue that the CAP should be reformed such that it serves as an instrument to safeguard ecosystem services from agricultural land.

  8. Evidence-Based Policy-Making - Ph.D. Workshop (2012)

    In March and April of 2012, the Plant Science Center at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) organized a course on "Evidence-Based Policy-Making" as part of its Ph.D. program in plant sciences and policy. Holger Gerdes, Fellow at Ecologic Institute, was supervising a group of Ph.D. students.

  9. Impact Assessment of Adaptation Options - Methodology for Selecting Options - Presentation

    In order to prioritize adaptation options, the project team of "Methodologies for climate proofing investments and measures under Cohesion and Regional policy and the Common Agricultural Policy" developed a typology for adaptation options. Jenny Tröltzsch presented the decision tree for the selection of adaptation options that were further analyzed using a detailed cost-benefit assessment procedure. Furthermore, the presentation included a set of criteria for a broader assessment of the options' impacts. The presentation is available for download.

  10. Water Expertise Showcased at the Green Week 2012 - News

    With the slogan, "Every Drop Counts," the upcoming 12th edition of the Green Week represents the biggest annual conference on European environmental policy and will take place from the 22 to the 25 May in Brussels. With the focus this year being on water, Ecologic Institute will disseminate information, best practices, and lessons learned from a number of high-profile projects carried out on behalf of the DG Environment and DG Research & Innovation of the European Commission, the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), and other sponsors.

Publisher: Ecologic Institute, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
Person in charge: R. Andreas Kraemer, Ecologic Institut, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
ISSN 1613-1363

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