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Rio+20: Sustainable Development Goals – The Environmental Pillar


Rio+20: Sustainable Development Goals – The Environmental Pillar


Lode, Birgit and Nils Meyer-Ohlendorf 2012: Rio+20: Sustainable Development Goals – The Environmental Pillar Rigorous stock-taking and present proposals. Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Ecologic Institute, Berlin.

Ecologic Institute and Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP) prepared a paper that gives an overview of selected sustainable development commitments, their shortcomings, and possible remedies, as discussed and agreed by relevant political fora. The paper and the summary of an expert workshop are available for download.

In June 2012, the Rio+20 Summit will take place in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Among various other issues, the summit will discuss the development of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). SDG could address new and emerging challenges, and close the gaps of the current sustainable development goals, which either expire in 2015 or are of qualitative and general nature.

An expert workshop discussed an earlier draft. The summary of the expert workshop [pdf, 90 kB, German] and the paper [pdf, 170 kB, English] are available for download.


Birgit Lode
Published by
23 pp.
Rio+20, SDG