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Analysis of the Implementation of the End-of-Life Vehicle Directive

Analysis of the Implementation of the End-of-Life Vehicle Directive

Analysis of the Implementation of the End-of-Life Vehicle Directive


The study provides a basic analysis of the practical implementation of the requirements of the End-of-Life Vehicle (ELV) Directive in several EU Member States. It names the most important challenges encountered by the Member States in implementing the Directive, and refers to good practice examples in the implementation of the directive.

The proposal for a Directive on End-of Life Vehicles (ELVs) was the first to arise from the Commission’s priority waste streams programme, and it is well known that most Member States and car companies experienced difficulties in implementing it. This report provides an assessment of various aspects of the ELV Directive that were of particular interest to the European Parliament’s Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee, on the basis of a series of case studies.

The study (pdf,  1 MB) is available for download.

The study was done as one of several briefings of the project "Consultancy for the European Parliament's Environment Committee".


Alexander Neubauer
Project ID
Waste, End-of-life vehicles