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Consultancy for the European Parliament's Environment Committee

Consultancy for the European Parliament's Environment Committee

Consultancy for the European Parliament's Environment Committee


The European Parliament’s Environment Committee often needs to rapidly react to Commission proposals, and at the same time often needs a solid basis to develop own initiatives within its field of responsibility. Short written briefing notes help to improve the legislative assistance to its Members and strengthen the Committee’s competence in this respect.

The EP can request these Briefings on an ad-hoc basis from the IEEP/Ecologic Institute team and its network partners, including Ecologic Institute's network partner IVM.

Briefings requested in this context may, for instance contain, rapid regulatory impact assessments of policy proposals or examine the state of implementation of existing legislation. Briefings already finalised and published on the European Parliament's website include:

Framework Contract 4:

Framework Contract 3: 2006-2009

Framework Contract 2: 2005-2006

Framework Contract 1: 2003-2004


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Wenke Schönfelder
Dr. Peter Beyer
Dr. Christine Füll
Project ID
IPPC, waste, chemicals, REACH, enlargement, groundwater, flexible, mechanism, joint implementation, JI, clean development mechanism, CDM, air, quality, daughter directive