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Job Creation Potential of Clean Technologies

Job Creation Potential of Clean Technologies

Job Creation Potential of Clean Technologies


A large number of environmental policy instruments do not only serve environmental objectives, but have also positive impacts on the economy and employment. The European Parliament asked Ecologic for independent expert advise on the job creation potential of clean technologies and win-win situations in this policy area. The project results are available for download.


Policies aiming at the development of environmentally friendly technologies and their use in the market have larger repercussions in the job market. In particular clean technologies do frequently replace existing systems or equipment, thus inducing new investments and creating positive spill-over effects into the job market. In the recent past, European Member States have implemented policies that attempt to achieve these win-win situations. Policy instruments used include the introduction of eco-taxes and funding of research activities in the area of environmentally friendly technologies.


In order to base its policy decisions on a more solid analysis and better understanding of the interlinkages between environmental policy and employment the European Parliament commissioned Ecologic to conduct a study on this issue. Within the project Ecologic focuses on the job creation potential of clean technologies in the following issue areas:

  1. Motor-vehicles sector: technological development of maximum pollution standards;
  2. Energy economy: R&D jobs in the development of new technologies;
  3. Environmental audits: consultation and planning;
  4. Natural-resource: conservation and restoration;
  5. Transport infrastructures: switch to environmentally friendly modes of transport as a potential source of new jobs and economic growth; 
  6. Agriculture: opportunities offered by more job-intensive farming; and
  7. Environmental R&D: to catch up with the European research backlog as an essential prerequisite of economic development geared to creating highly qualified jobs

The study [pdf, 330 KB, English] is available for download.


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Dr. Nicole Kranz
Jessica Ward
Project ID
Jobs, employment, environmental policies, European Parliament, pollution standards, Energy, clean, technologies, audits, consultation, planning, conservation, transport, Agriculture, farming, Research, Development, R&D