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Implementing the EU 2040 Climate Target: Building blocks and measures

Cover page of a report titled "Implementing the EU 2040 Climate Target: Building blocks and measures." Published by the Ecologic Institute and the Öko-Institut e.V. Authors listed are Nils Meyer-Ohlendorf, Nora Kögel, Sabine Gores, and Jakob Graichen, with the publication date of 12 January 2025.

© Ecologic Institute and Oeko-Institut, 2025

Implementing the EU 2040 Climate Target: Building blocks and measures


Meyer-Ohlendorf, Nils et al. (2024): Implementing the EU 2040 Climate Target. Ecologic Institute, Berlin.

The European Climate Law requires the EU to adopt a climate target for 2040. The European Commission recommends an EU climate target for 2040 of 90% reduction in net GHG emissions by 2040. To achieve emission reductions on this scale, the EU must meet its 2030 climate target and scale up its current reduction efforts significantly. In 2023, greenhouse gas emissions in the EU fell by 8%. These reductions were more than five times the average rate since 2005 and surpasses the annual rate required to meet the 2030 climate targets.

A new research report by the Ecologic Institute and Oeko-Institut discusses the implementation of the EU's new 2040 climate target. It identifies building blocks and measures particularly relevant for cutting the EU's emissions by net 90% in 2040. This report is available for download. 


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Sabine Gores (Oeko-Institut)
Jakob Graichen (Oeko-Institut)
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63 pp.
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Table of contents
EU 2040 Climate Target, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Renewable Energy, Carbon Neutrality, Climate Change Mitigation, Green Hydrogen, Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), Sustainable Biomass, Decarbonization, Energy Efficiency, Circular Economy, Carbon Removals, Sustainable Transport, Low Carbon Industry, Energy Transition, Building Renovations, Emissions Trading System (ETS), Renewable Fuels, European Union, EU, EU Member States
Impact Assessment (IA), Emissions Trading System (ETS), Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP), Linear Reduction Factor (LRF), Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), Direct Air Carbon Capture and Storage (DACCS), Renewable Energy Directive (RED), Energy Efficiency Directive (EED), Life Variant Modeling, Carbon Contracts for Difference