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Designing the EU 2040 Climate Target

Cover of Ecologic Institute's report "Designing the EU 2040 climate target. Political context, level of ambition, implications for Member States and sectors"

© Ecologic Institute

Designing the EU 2040 Climate Target

Political context, level of ambition, implications for Member States and sectors


Meyer-Ohlendorf, Nils; Spasova, Deyana; Graichen, Jakob; Gores, Sabine (2023): Designing the EU 2040 climate target. Ecologic Institute, Berlin

In the coming years, the EU has to adopt a legally binding climate target for 2040. The European Climate Law obliges the EU to adopt such a target. With the recent report of the European Scientific Advisory Body on Climate Change (ESABCC) on a 2040 target, the political discussion has entered a new phase. The ESABCC recommends a 2040 EU climate target of minus 90–95 % and an EU emission budget of 11–14 Gt for the period of 2030 to 2050.

A new report by Ecologic Institute and the Oeko-Institut discusses the level of ambition of a 2040 EU climate target. The report analyses the implications of a 2040 climate target for Member States and sectors. It also discusses the political context in which the EU 2040 climate target will be negotiated.


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Jakob Graichen (Oeko-Institut)
Sabine Gores (Oeko-Institut)
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42 pp.
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