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Public Consultations on Carbon Farming!

A banner with the inscription “PUBLIC CONSULTATIONS OPEN! On the findings of the CREDIBLE Focus Group. Minimum requirements to ensure that carbon farming delivers sustainability benefits” against a background of hay bales in a field.

© Ecologic Institute 2024

Public Consultations on Carbon Farming!

Influence the ongoing development of the European Carbon Removal Certification Framework

Berlin, Germany

As part of the Credible project, we invite stakeholders and citizens to participate in the discussion on carbon farming in the EU by providing feedback on the project reports during this public consultation. This is your opportunity to influence the ongoing development of the Carbon Removal Certification Framework (CRCF) and the wider discussion on carbon farming in the EU. The feedback provided through your comments during the public consultation will be shared with the wider expert community and policy makers to ensure that EU policy on carbon farming works with and for farmers and delivers climate and biodiversity benefits.

Provide feedback on our work to date on the "Minimum requirements for ensuring the sustainability benefits of carbon" by mid-June.

Objectives of the CREDIBLE project

The aim of CREDIBLE is to promote carbon farming in the EU. It aims to increase confidence in the implementation of carbon farming by supporting the development of consensual methods that increase the capacity of soil as a carbon sink. The project coordinates discussions in 11 focus groups that meet regularly to discuss topics relevant to the ongoing debate on carbon farming in Europe, with Ecologic Institute leading the focus group on "Minimum requirements for sustainability".

Invitation to participate in public consultations as part of the CREDIBLE project


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