Related content for project "Building Momentum and Trust to Achieve Credible Soil Carbon Farming in the EU (CREDIBLE)" (project ID 33020)
Publication:Policy Brief
Carbon farming allows farmers to mitigate climate change, but these practices also impact other sustainability outcomes, including biodiversity, soil health, and water. In this brief, we propose how the EU's regulation establishing a Carbon Removal and Carbon Farming Certification Framework (CRCF) can ensure that carbon farming also delivers sustainability benefits, in the context of carbon farming on mineral soils.
As part of Project Credible, we invite stakeholders and citizens to join the discussion on carbon farming in the EU by providing feedback on the project reports during this public consultation. This is your opportunity to shape the ongoing development of the Carbon Removal Certification Framework (CRCF) and the broader discussion on carbon farming in the EU. The feedback you provide in the public consultations will be shared with the broader expert community and policymakers to ensure that EU carbon farming policy works with and for farmers, delivering climate and biodiversity benefits.
As part of the Credible project, we invite stakeholders and citizens to participate in the discussion on carbon farming in the EU by providing feedback on the project reports during this public consultation. This is your opportunity to influence the ongoing development of the Carbon Removal Certification Framework (CRCF) and the wider discussion on carbon farming in the EU. The feedback provided through your comments during the public consultation will be shared with the wider expert community and policy makers to ensure that EU policy on carbon farming works with and for farmers and delivers climate and biodiversity benefits.
Ecologic Institute was part of the first European Carbon Farming Summit, which took place from 6 to 7 March 2024 in Valencia. This event gathered hundreds of people from academia, the private and public sector, farmers and farmers associations who engaged in the discussion around the upcoming EU Carbon Farming Certification Framework (CRCF). Aaron Scheid and Julia Pazmiño Murillo shared the outcomes of their work as part of the CREDIBLE Project and hosted a breakout session to discuss the minimum requirements to ensure carbon farming delivers sustainability benefits within the CRCF framework and beyond.
CREDIBLE functions as a knowledge hub for driving carbon farming forwards. It is organised as a network of networks, involving existing research projects, initiatives, commercial sectors and public administrations.