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Harnessing the Power of Collaboration for Nature-based Solutions

Cover of the independent expert report "Harnessing the power of collaboration for nature-based solutions : new ideas and insights for local decision-makers"

© European Union, 2023

Harnessing the Power of Collaboration for Nature-based Solutions

New ideas and insights for local decision-makers


European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, Naumann, S., Burgos Cuevas, N., Davies, C., et al., Harnessing the power of collaboration for nature-based solutions : new ideas and insights for local decision-makers, Publications Office of the European Union, 2023,

Step into a realm of collaborative innovation with our insightful briefing paper, a product of the Nature Based Solutions Task Force 6 joint efforts. This paper focuses on co-creation for nature-based solutions, providing practical examples and guidance for local decision-makers. It sheds light on the effective utilization of co-governance approaches, encouraging participatory processes and collaborative creation in the realm of nature-based solutions.

Through the lens of real-world experiences, this paper explores how to harness the potential of these solutions from design to implementation and maintenance. It addresses institutional challenges that decision-makers often face when dealing with nature-based solutions, offering viable options for overcoming them. Drawing from city experiences, it highlights the value of co-governance, showcasing how inclusive governance approaches can transform cities and inspire others to follow suit.

Whether you're a decision-maker seeking pragmatic insights or simply intrigued by the possibilities of collaborative governance, this briefing paper offers a grounded perspective on co-creation for nature-based solutions.

Join us in exploring a path towards more inclusive and sustainable practices, where communities and nature thrive together.


More content from this project

Sandra Naumann
Clive Davies
Sean Bradley
Israa H. Mahmoud
Alessandro Arlati

Case study authors:

Chemnitz: Max Krombholz (City of Chemnitz), INTERLACE

CBIMA: Erica Calderon Jimenez (CBIMA), Marcela Gutiérrez Miranda (UNA), INTERLACE

Collserola: Eugenia Vidal Casanovas (Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona), CLEARINGHOUSE

Hamburg: Alessandro Arlati (HafenCity Universität Hamburg), CLEVER Cities

Lima: Noemie Marinucci and Diletta Muccilli (European Urban Knowledge Network), CONEXUS

Sheffield: Noemi Marinucci (European Urban Knowledge Network), CONEXUS

Valencia: Gemma Garcia (Tecnalia) and Francisca Hipólito (Las Naves), GrowGreen

Wroclaw: Gemma Garcia (Tecnalia) and Małgorzata Bartyna-Zielińska (Wroclaw Municipality)


McKenna Davis (Ecologic Institute), Martin Grisel (European Urban Knowledge Network), Piret Noukas (European Research Executive Agency), Jonathan Hobbs (Newcastle University), Mari Carmen Garcia (MCG Research&Innovation Sustainability)


Published by
69 pp.
Project ID
Table of contents
social question, town planning and housing, ecology, green economy, living conditions, quality of life, quality of the environment, sustainable development, town, town planning, urban area
Chemnitz, Germany, Collserola, Spain, Hamburg, Lima, Peru, Sheffield, United Kingdom, Valencia, Wroclaw, Poland, Europe, Latin America, Maria Aguilar Interurban Biological Corridor, CBIMA, Costa Rica
case study