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Innovative Solutions for Climate Mitigation, Biodiversity and Carbon Farming Standards



Photo: Winfried Sixel |

Innovative Solutions for Climate Mitigation, Biodiversity and Carbon Farming Standards


This project is split into two work streams, assessing four CAP Strategic Plans and assessing approaches to enhance and safeguard biodiversity through carbon farming standards.

Ex-ante assessment of four CAP Strategic Plans (Germany, France, Spain and Poland)

This assessment focuses on the impact the CAP Strategic plans have on climate, biodiversity and environment in the respective countries. The assessment will also focus on innovative measures or funding that is being used in the Strategic Plan. For each of the assessments, a separate report will be published beginning of 2023.

Carbon Farming Co-benefits: Approaches to enhance and safeguard biodiversity

Carbon farming standards promise to upscale much-needed on-farm climate mitigation. However, the carbon farming actions they incentivise will also impact biodiversity. In this report, we summarise carbon farming practices and their impact on biodiversity and review current carbon farming mechanisms to understand their approach to enhancing and safeguarding biodiversity, finding that most have insufficient protections to ensure net positive biodiversity impact. We identify the challenges and opportunities for implementing standards for biodiversity and conclude with requirements to ensure that carbon farming standards enhance and safeguard biodiversity, alongside delivering climate mitigation.

Exploring the contribution of innovative solutions for climate mitigation and biodiversity through CAP Strategic Plans and Carbon Farming Standards


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Sophie Ittner
May Hobeika
Project ID
Germany, France, Spain, Poland