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Increasing Impact for Food Waste Reduction Measures

Screenshot of the participants and their pledges to reduce food waste

The participant's collection of pledges to prevent food waste


Ecologic Institute

Increasing Impact for Food Waste Reduction Measures

Stephanie Wunder
Nina Langen (TU Berlin)
Gerald Perschke und Evelyn Miksch (MDR Resteretter)
Antje Töpfer (BMEL)

On the 25 November 2021, more than 70 actors dealing with food waste reduction in Germany met for an exchange on how to plan and implement measures that create an impact. The event was part of the so-called dialogue forum "Private Households" that is part of the German Strategy for Food Waste Reduction. For this purpose, a guidance for planning measures based on an impact logic, developed by the project team under the leadership of Ecologic Institute, was presented and a joint Citizen Science project was announced.

The MDR "Resteretter" team contributed practical experience, as it already has experience with its citizen science project to save food:

In the afternoon, a guide prepared by the project team under the lead of the Ecologic Institute was presented, explaining step by step how measures to reduce food waste can be planned and selected from the outset to achieve the highest possible impact. The team of Slow Food Germany reported on how such a guideline had helped in the development of their cooking workshops carried out in the project:

The participants then discussed the opportunities and challenges of impact-oriented planning of measures in practice. Finally, Antje Töpfer from the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) reported on the successes, challenges and upcoming plans for Zu gut für die Tonne! (Too Good for the Bin!), which initially started as a German food waste reduction campaign. On the occasion of its upcoming 10th anniversary, the participants discussed recommendations and wishes for its further development.

Documentation of the results as well as the presentation slides are available for download on the zgfdT! Website.

Online Event of the Dialogue Forum "Private Households" as part of the German Strategy for Food Waste Reduction

More content from this project

Stephanie Wunder
Nina Langen (TU Berlin)
Gerald Perschke und Evelyn Miksch (MDR Resteretter)
Antje Töpfer (BMEL)
Marie-Lisa Feller
Nina Langen (TU Berlin)
Antje Töpfer (BMEL)
Stella Diettrich & Andrea Lenkert-Hörrmann (Slow Food Deutschland e.V.)
Project ID
food waste, reduction of food waste, private households
dialogue processes, impact assessment, recommendations for measures