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Methodological Review and Framework: Cultural ecosystem services provided by green and blue infrastructure


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Methodological Review and Framework: Cultural ecosystem services provided by green and blue infrastructure


Naumann, S., Davis, M., Röschel, L., Barton, D.N. and Langemeyer, J. 2018. Methodological review and framework: Cultural ecosystem services provided by green and blue infrastructure. Deliverable 3.0

A frequent consequence of ongoing urbanization is the loss of green spaces and biodiversity, which has been shown to decrease human well-being and health, amongst other consequences (Regional Public Health 2010). As such, policymakers are increasingly exploring ways to simultaneously create healthy and liveable conditions for citizens while also supporting the conservation of biodiversity (Naumann et al. 2011). Maintaining and establishing urban green and blue infrastructure is highlighted in multiple studies and increasingly recognized in policy as a promising tool for achieving both of the aforementioned aims in parallel.

Given this background, Work Package 3 (WP3) of the ENABLE-project aimed to analyze citizen perceptions of and preferences for various CES provided by GBI. It also identified potential means to integrate such knowledge and information in municipal planning processes. This report presents the research results of the work package.


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Sandra Naumann
Lina Röschel
23 pp.
Project ID
Table of contents
cultural ecosystem services, green and blue infrastructure
methodological review and framework