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ENABLE Project Wins the BiodivERsA Award for Excellence and Impact

ENABLE Project Wins the BiodivERsA Award for Excellence and Impact

Berlin, Germany

We are thrilled to announce that the ENABLE project has been awarded the BiodivERsA Prize for Excellence and Impact. This award recognizes the excellent research performed in ENABLE and the impacts that were achieved for both policy and society. As a project partner, Ecologic Institute lead the work assessing the socio-cultural perceptions and preferences of citizens for different forms of green and blue infrastructure and supported the policy and institutional analysis in the project cities as well as the formulation of policy options.

The ENABLE project investigated the factors that influence the realisation of green and blue infrastructure potential for a better living environment in cities. Focusing on the role of infrastructures, institutions, and perceptions, ENABLE used social and environmental justice together with resilience to assess the generation and distribution of ecosystem service benefits. The framework, developed by the researchers in consultation and collaboration with local stakeholders, was tested and applied in multiple European cities and offer a new baseline for understanding and unlocking green and blue infrastructure potential in urban areas.



The Prize, awarded on a yearly basis since 2018, gives the opportunity to the winners to present their work in an animated video as part of the BiodivERsA Prize for Excellence and Impact. This prize acknowledges the excellent, pioneering research performed in BiodivERsA-funded projects and showcases the achievements of projects that have produced excellent science with concrete impacts for policy and/or society.


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