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Potenziale anderer Rechtsbereiche zum Erreichen der Ziele der Wasserrahmenrichtlinie

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© Federal Environment Agency

Potenziale anderer Rechtsbereiche zum Erreichen der Ziele der Wasserrahmenrichtlinie



Stockhaus, Heidi et. al. (2021): Potenziale anderer  Rechtsbereiche zum Erreichen der Ziele der Wasserrahmenrichtlinie. Abschlussbericht. Dessau-Roßlau: Umweltbundesamt.

This study analyses the potential of areas of law beyond the water law to achieve the objectives of the Water Framework Directive. Germany has so far failed to achieve the various objectives of the Water Framework Directive. According to the thesis on which the study is based, reason for this is not only the lack of financial, personnel and organisational prerequisites, but also the lack of integration of water protection concerns into other areas of law beyond water law.

The study was prepared in several phases: After a screening of different areas of law and legal norms in regard to their potential for the implementation of the Water Framework Directive, focus topics were selected for in-depth analysis. The focus topics cover from pollution control law (regulation of mercury emissions from coal-fired power plants), nature conservation law (renaturation of water bodies as an intervention under nature conservation law and prohibitions to protect species), human medicinal products law (strengthening water protection in the approval procedure for medicinal products for human use), plant protection law (reducing the input of plant protection products into waters), planning law (watercourse development in sectoral planning as well as in regional planning and urban land use planning), energy law (promotion of hydroelectric power plants on the basis of their compliance with water protection standards) and agricultural law (deficits in the structure of common agricultural policy). The study presents options for action for some of these focus topics.


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Dr. Heidi Stockhaus
Lisa Meinecke
Dr. Christiane Gerstetter
Anthony Maxim Holmes
Sabrina Hundegger
Published in
UBA-TEXTE 72/2021
Published by
170 pp.
Project ID
Table of contents
WFD, Nature protection, spatial planning, medical products, CAP, plant protection