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Handlungsoptionen einer nachhaltigen Bioökonomiepolitik


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Handlungsoptionen einer nachhaltigen Bioökonomiepolitik

Wo ein Wille ist, ist auch ein Weg


Wolff, F., Kiresiewa, Z. and Möller, M., (2020): Handlungsoptionen einer nachhaltigen Bioökonomiepolitik: Wo ein Wille ist, ist auch ein Weg. In: politische ökologie. Volume 162 (03 - 2020) – Bioökonomie.

Bioeconomy currently enjoys a high political priority; at the same time, the concept, which last received a boost in 2018 in the form of the updated EU Bioeconomy Strategy, is not without controversy and contains many conflicting goals. This is where the article by Zoritza Kiresiewa (Ecologic Institute), Franziska Wolff and Martin Möller (both Öko-Institut e.V.) comes in. The authors argue that bioeconomy can only contribute to the achievement of sustainability goals if the political framework is appropriate. Whether or not strategies will have an impact depends on each individual case. Bioeconomy pathways should be designed and tested accordingly.

Recommendations on different levels of action are outlined. Many of the possible courses of action fall within the remit of the German government at the political level. These include, for example, the precise formulation of sustainability goals for the bioeconomy and the embedding thereof into the context of Agenda 2030. Political steering instruments could also provide incentives for adopting consumption and nutrition patterns that are more sustainable.

There is also room to maneuver on the scientific level. Targeted research can close gaps in knowledge; appropriate funding is a prerequisite for this. Civil society holds particular potential for the further development of bioeconomy pathways. Civil society should participate in political processes and be involved in research processes in the form of citizen participation.

In this article, which was published in the journal "politische ökologie" Volume 162 (03 - 2020) - "Bioökonomie", the authors point out different and important political windows of opportunity that must be used. The article is available for download [PDF] in German.

Possible courses of action for a sustainable bioeconomy policy. "Where there is a will, there is a way." – but what exactly does that way look like?


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Franziska Wolff (Öko-Institut e.V.)
Martin Möller (Öko-Institut e.V.)
Published in
politische ökologie, Volume 162 (03 - 2020) – Bioökonomie
Published by
8 pp
Project ID
bioeconomy, development, sustainable development goals, SDGs, agriculture, land-use, governance
Germany, Europe