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Ecologic Institute Newsletter No 216 – September 2020



  1. Environmental Impacts of Meat Alternatives – Publication
  2. Method Triangulation to Identify and Evaluate Societal Trends and Resource Policy Measures – Publication
  3. Europe's Economic Recovery – Publication
  4. Perception of Bottlenecks in the Implementation of the European Water Framework Directive – Publication
  5. Policy Matrix Screening of Digital, Data and Water Policies – Publication
  6. How to Feed the City with Regional Production? – Panel Discussion
  7. Climate Change in Cities – Study Tour
  8. Winners Announced in #YoungOceanWaves Contest – News
  9. HR Generalist with Focus on Personnel Development – Job Opportunity
  10. International Fellow with Focus on Climate Change and Energy – Job Opportunity
  1. Environmental Impacts of Meat Alternatives – Publication

    The Federal Environment Agency published the trend report "Meat of the Future", which analyzes the environmental impacts of plant-based meat substitutes, edible insects and in-vitro meat. Ecologic Institute developed policy options on how the market development of meat alternatives can be better aligned with the goal of sustainability. The trend report is available for download.

  2. Method Triangulation to Identify and Evaluate Societal Trends and Resource Policy Measures – Publication

    Different methods were combined in the project "Trendradar Resource Policy" to identify and evaluate societal trends and resource policy measures. The authors, among them Ecologic Institute's Dr. Martin Hrschnitz-Gabers and Ariel Araujo, identified 20 socially relevant trends and described them qualitatively. Policy measures were identified and qualitatively assessed in terms of relevance and possible barriers to implementation. The report is available for download.

  3. Europe's Economic Recovery – Publication

    In July 2020, the European Council agreed on an unprecedented EU recovery package – dubbed Next Generation EU. This agreement contains elements that will advance EU climate policies. However, if it is to pave the way to climate neutrality by 2050, it needs to improve. In this joint paper, Szazadveg Foundation, 300Gospodarka and Ecologic Institute point out what is missing. The paper is available for download.

  4. Perception of Bottlenecks in the Implementation of the European Water Framework Directive – Publication

    In this article, the authors, among them Ecologic Institute's Dr. Ulf Stein, focus on the governmental bottlenecks in the Implementation of the European Water Framework Directive. The lack of horizontal, inter-sectoral communication; the insufficient land reserves; human resources and the lack of financing were the areas that emerged as the most pressing issues. Further evidence suggests that the interaction of the WFD with other policy areas regulated at the European level might require closer inspection. The article is available online.

  5. Policy Matrix – Screening of Digital, Data and Water Policies – Publication

    In this publication, Ecologic Institute's Doris Knoblauch, Dr. Ulf Stein and Lorenzo Felicetti shed light on the untapped potential of ICT solutions in water management across Berlin, Milan, Copenhagen, Paris and Sofia, the five cities analyzed in the project In the analysis, the cross-cutting nature of digital water governance, and thereby its multifunctionality in terms of policy goals, became evident. The publication is available for download.

  6. How to Feed the City with Regional Production? – Panel Discussion

    How to increase regional food production and consumption for and in cities? That was the guiding question for the panel discussion with Stephanie Wunder, Senior Fellow at Ecologic Institute, Wolfram Günther, Saxon Minister of Agriculture, Valentin Thurn, film director and chairman of the Cologne Food Policy Council and Jörg Naumann, farmer and representative of the alliance "Land schafft Verbindung" on 9 September 2020 at the German Hygiene Museum in Dresden. The recording of the event is available online.

  7. Climate Change in Cities – Study Tour

    Polish local government experts, landscape planners, architects and engineers participated in a study tour focusing on nature-based solutions in Berlin on 25 and 26 August 2020. The experts visited some of the most innovative and creative applications of nature-based solutions in Berlin and had the opportunity to exchange with Berlin-based sustainable urban development experts.

  8. Winners Announced in #YoungOceanWaves Contest – News

    The goal of the #YoungOceanWaves contest, promoted by the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE), was to find cool videos & photos that show how human beings and the ocean are connected. Over 136 amazing photos and videos have been shared on Instagram between 14 July and 18 August 2020. A wave of inspiring, intense, stunning images of the ocean, its creatures, landscapes and people who are emotionally connected to our blue planet.

  9. HR Generalist with Focus on Personnel Development – Job Opportunity

    Ecologic Institute is pleased to receive your application as HR Generalist to support our HR team in its day-to-day operations. Please apply online until 30 September 2020.

  10. International Fellow with Focus on Climate Change and Energy – Job Opportunity

    In the context of our International Fellowship Program 2020 in Berlin we are looking for an International Fellow with focus on climate change and energy. Please apply online until 30 September 2020.


Publisher: Ecologic Institute, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin

Person in charge: Dr. Camilla Bausch, Ecologic Institut, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin

ISSN: 1613-1363

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