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Winners Announced in #YoungOceanWaves Contest: Djemila Tassin, Mariana Mata Lara and Gabriele Tiskeviciute!


Winners Announced in #YoungOceanWaves Contest: Djemila Tassin, Mariana Mata Lara and Gabriele Tiskeviciute!

Berlin, Germany

Over 136 amazing photos and videos have been shared on Instagram between 14 July and 18 August 2020. A wave of inspiring, intense, stunning images of the ocean, its creatures, landscapes and people who are emotionally connected to our blue planet.

The #YoungOceanWaves contest, promoted by the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE), was looking for cool videos & photos that show how human beings and the ocean are connected. It encouraged everybody – especially young people – to show what the ocean means for them, be it marvellous colours and living creatures, fun, sports, crazy or relaxed adventures. Participants around the globe could share photos or 30-second long videos in English language, accompanied by the #YoungOceanWaves hashtag.

… and the winners are

Djemila Tassin, Mariana Mata Lara and Gabriele Tiskeviciute were selected as main winners, while seven more winners have been awarded smaller prizes!

  • 1st prize | Djemila Tassin | Kairos | Mediterranean Sea, 2020
  • 2nd prize | Mariana Mata Lara | The Ocean is... | Portugal, Maldives, France, Thailand and Greece, 2020
  • 3rd prize | Gabriele Tiskeviciute | Thalassophilia | The Philippines, Egypt, 2020

Winners' profiles and entries are visible HERE.

Winners were selected by a high-profile Jury Panel that included:

  1. Yann Leymarie, Surfrider Europe
  2. James Nikitine, Manaia Productions
  3. Farah Obaidullah, Ocean Advocate & Founder Women4Oceans
  4. Andreea Strachinescu, Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE)
  5. Alessandra Portis, Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE)

Among the prizes are:

  • 1st prize: A GoPro camera
  • 2nd prize: A 1-year online subscription to National Geographic
  • 3rd prize: Goodie bag from the Nausicaā Centre National de la Mer aquarium
  • from 4th to 10th place: a €20 value voucher for sustainable products

Winners have been announced during the "EU4Ocean coalition: what, what for, how?" online workshop, which took place on 24 September in the frame of the 2-day virtual "EU4Ocean workshop – Designing Ocean Literacy action in Europe".

The EU4Ocean workshops on 24-25 September

On 24 September, a series of interactive and participatory online workshops served as a platform for founding members and key stakeholders to present the ambition, organisation, process and tools put in place for supporting collective action for each of the three communities of the EU4Ocean Coalition.

25 September was dedicated to building momentum for collective actions, mobilising representatives of the three communities at the EU and at the regional sea basin scales in the Arctic Ocean, Baltic Sea, Atlantic & North Sea, Mediterranean Sea, and Black Sea, which express the EU diversity, cultural richness, and knowledge sharing. In the morning, three online workshops aimed at setting the basis for collective ocean literacy initiatives on Climate and Ocean, Food from the Ocean, and Healthy and Clean Ocean. In the afternoon, five parallel online workshops will be co-organised to investigate specific marine and Ocean Literacy challenges in European sea basins. Participants will be encouraged to share their know-how and identify opportunities for collective actions.

Follow the website and the #EU4Ocean, #Youth4Ocean and #EUBlueSchools hashtags on Twitter for more information.

"The ocean keeps us alive. Through our courage to demand better from our leaders and our courage to change, inspire and inform others, we can make the ocean healthy again." Farah Abaidullah, Ocean Advocate & Founder Women4Oceans

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Project ID
ocean literacy, ocean-awareness, EU4Ocean, EU4Ocean Platform, Youth4Ocean Forum, Network of European Blue Schools, youth, schools, platform, forum, network, Blue Schools, youth, schools
ocean, Europe
contest, photo, video, Instagram