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Harnessing the European Green Deal to Address the Climate Crisis – Think2030 Conference


Harnessing the European Green Deal to Address the Climate Crisis – Think2030 Conference


On the occasion of its 25th anniversary, Ecologic Institute, together with the Institute for European Environmental Policy and TMG, hosted the Think2030 conference "Harnessing the European Green Deal to Address the Climate Crisis: Anticipating Risks, Fostering Resilience" on 16 and 17 November 2020. More than 300 participants from across Europe made the conference an interesting, stimulating and enjoyable event. Keynote speeches by high-level speakers and interactive breakout sessions provided new perspectives on how the European Green Deal can be harnessed to address the climate crisis and foster a green recovery.

The outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic has instigated massive societal and economic disruptions, pressing policymakers and experts to think broadly, act quickly and remain adaptive. Now, more than ever, there is a widespread need for rapid knowledge sharing and the development of effective policy responses in this new and changing context.In the context of the acute crisis posed by the pandemic, the conference focused on the European Green Deal, and the related developments in EU policy and their potential contributions to address climate change. The conference created a much-needed space for a science-, policy- and action-oriented discussion of climate-related policy issues that bridges disciplines, sectors and thematic siloes. The conference brought together leading experts from across Europe to exchange their ideas on what we can do now and in the coming years to secure our shared future.

After the conference, the Think2030 policy papers that were presented and discussed at the conference were finalised based on the inputs received. In addition, a Europe-wide survey on the European Green Deal was conducted. Key recommendations from the Think2030 policy papers and the outcomes of the Green Deal survey are gathered in the 30x30 Report. The finalised policy papers and the 30x30 Report are available on the Think2030 website. Stay informed about new developments by visiting the Think2030 website or following the #Think2030 discussions via Twitter.

The project received financial support under the LIFE Programme of the European Union and the European Climate Initiative (EUKI) of the Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU).

Opening Speeches

Opening Plenary

Closing Plenary


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Project ID
climate change, European Green Deal, EU policy, Think2030