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Intercomparison of Good Ecological Potential and Technical Document on Sediment Management

Fotolia © Andre Illing

Intercomparison of Good Ecological Potential and Technical Document on Sediment Management


Under its 'Framework contract for Evaluation, review and development of EU Water Policy', the European Commission DG Environment has issued a service request for a Specific Contract to provide "Support for the intercomparison of Good Ecological Potential for Heavily Modified Water Bodies and elaboration of a technical document on sediment management in the context of the Water Framework Directive". The aim of this Specific Contract is to ensure support for the follow-up activities towards the further elaboration of deliverables concerning Good Ecological Potential and sediment management as outlined in the 2019-2021 work programme for the ECOSTAT working group of the WFD Common Implementation Strategy.

The specific objectives of the contract include:

  1. Supporting the intercomparison of Good Ecological Potential (GEP) for Heavily Modified Water Bodies (HMWB), including
    • Elaborating questionnaires and synthesising replies from Member States,
    • Supporting the preparation of a workshop on the intercomparison of GEP and
    • Drafting the GEP intercomparison reports.
  2. Supporting the elaboration of a technical document on the management of sediment in the context of the Water Framework Directive, including:
    • Collecting experiences and case studies from Member States and stakeholders;
    • Elaborating and maintaining a resource library on sediment management;
    • Supporting and coordinating the drafting process of the technical document; and
    • Supporting the preparation and execution of a workshop related to the technical document on the management of sediment.


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Water Framework Directive, WFD, heavily modified water bodies, HMWB, good ecological potential, CIS guidance, classification, hydromorphology, Floods Directive, EU
intercomparison, elaboration, questionnaires, synthesis, workshop, drafting, maintaining, resource library