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Ecologic Institute Newsletter No 209 – January 2020



  1. Draft for an European Climate Law – Publication
  2. Looking to the Future: Socio-economic and socio-cultural trends affecting resource conservation – Publication
  3. Further Development of German Resource Policy – Publication
  4. Links between the Nature Directives and the Nitrates Directive – Publication
  5. The Transformative Potential of Local Climate Change Strategies – Publication
  6. Research Against Food Waste – Videos
  7. Relaunch of the Website of the German Round Table on Marine Litter ( – Publication
  8. The German Federal Climate Protection Act – Publication
  9. International Approaches to Solve the Climate Crisis Explored at Global Think Tank Summit – Chairing
  10. #FromVisionToAction! – Green activists in Berlin discuss climate neutrality – Presentation
  11. Ecologic Institute is Looking to Hire – Job Opportunities
  1. Draft for an European Climate Law – Publication

    The European Commission will propose a European Climate Law in early March 2020. This 'Law' is a critical step to make Europe climate neutral. It can close gaps in existing EU climate rules that will impede the EU from becoming climate neutral before 2050. A new Ecologic paper presents a draft European Climate Law. The paper is available for download.

  2. Looking to the Future: Socio-economic and socio-cultural trends affecting resource conservation – Publication

    Technological developments and trends can contribute significantly to resource conservation. However, the concrete impact of these developments and trends always depends on the social context. In addition to political framework conditions, social routines, patterns of action and consumption styles are important, as they have a considerable influence on individual and societal resource requirements. Therefore, the present trend analysis systematically examines how socio-economic and socio-cultural trends can affect the use of resources. The trend analysis, with contributions by Ecologic Institute's Dr. Martin Hirschnitz-Garbers, is available for download.

  3. Further Development of German Resource Policy – Publication

    This final report addresses the question of how German resource policy could be further developed, based on the studies within the research project "Policies to Strengthen the German Resource Efficiency Program" (PolRess II). The report outlines options for further development and discusses their possible advantages and disadvantages. Options include tailoring the process of the strategy, dealing with related strategy processes, and instrumentation. The final report of the PolRess II project to which Dr. Martin Hirschnitz-Garbers of Ecologic Institute contributed is available for download.

  4. Links between the Nature Directives and the Nitrates Directive – Publication

    This FAQ note presents the links between the EU Birds and Habitats Directives and the Nitrates Directive. It specifies the legislations' objectives, highlights the interactions between both areas of legislation, and points to the opportunities for greater coordination between the directives. This FAQ note published by Ecologic Institute is available for download.

  5. The Transformative Potential of Local Climate Change Strategies – Publication

    In this chapter Ewa Iwaszuk, Linda Mederake and Doris Knoblauch (all Ecologic Institute) analyse the extent to which municipal long-term climate strategies contain formulations and measures aimed at promoting urban transformative change (defined as non-linear change for sustainability that profoundly transforms cities and the systems they form part of). The authors analyse climate change strategies of the cities of Austin (Texas, USA), Berlin (Germany) and Melbourne (Australia) in order to understand how the visions outlined in the strategies could drive transformative change on the local level. The publication is available for download.

  6. Research Against Food Waste – Videos

    In 2019, the European research project REFRESH ended. This video provides an overview of the most important results. Three additional videos elaborate further on the project's focus areas: a) strategies to changing consumer behavior, b) national platforms and the benefits of voluntary agreements for business engagement and c) the valorisation of unavoidable by-products from food production.

  7. Relaunch of the Website of the German Round Table on Marine Litter ( – Publication

    In December 2019, Ecologic Institute launched the new website of the Round Table on Marine Litter. For the relaunch, this central German portal on the topic of marine litter was revised by Ecologic Institute in technical, structural and graphical terms. The main goal of the website is to provide organisational support for the Roundtable on Marine Litter and its working groups as well as public relations.

  8. The German Federal Climate Protection Act – Publication

    Dr. Stephan Sina, Senior Fellow at Ecologic Legal, published an article on the Federal Climate Protection Act in the first edition of this year's Neue Zeitschrift für Verwaltungsrecht (NVwZ). The contribution is a joint effort by several authors, including two officials from the Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Protection and Nuclear Safety (BMU) who have worked on the Climate Protection Act. The article presents the main elements of the new law and discusses its legal and practical impact. It can be obtained via the website of the NVwZ.

  9. International Approaches to Solve the Climate Crisis Explored at the Global Think Tank Summit – Chairing

    The role of think tanks in a world of transitions and turbulences was the overarching topic of the 2019 Global Think Tank Summit in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). One of the prominent topics discussed was the climate crisis. In this context, an international panel chaired by Dr. Camilla Bausch examined new policies, paradigms and public engagement strategies around the world.

  10. #FromVisionToAction! – Green activists in Berlin discuss climate neutrality – Presentation

    With future climate neutrality in view green activists from Berlin's city districts discussed local climate action at the "#FromVisionToAction!" conference. In her introductory keynote, Dr. Camilla Bausch elaborated on the current global political trends as well as the meaning of "climate neutrality", and discussed options for local action in the subsequent panel discussion with Regine Günther (Berlin Senator), Sascha Müller-Kraenner (DUH), and Clara Herrmann (District Councilor).

  11. Ecologic Institute is Looking to Hire – Job Opportunities

    • Apprenticeship as IT Specialist for System Integration

      For the next training year starting in February 2020, we are looking for a trainee IT specialist for system integration. During your training in our IT Team, you will become a competent partner who supports our employees in the realisation of customised IT solutions.
    • Student Assistant in Environmental Law

      As a Student Assistant in Environmental Law, you will support our Legal Team in interdisciplinary research projects in the field of environmental law and policy at the national, European and international level.
    • Junior Researcher in the Field of Resource Conservation and Circular Bioeconomy

      Ecologic Institute is looking forward to receiving applications from candidates with environmental policy expertise to support work in the field of analysis and evaluation of strategies for resource conservation and (bio-based) circular economy.


Publisher: Ecologic Institute, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin

Person in charge: Dr. Camilla Bausch, Ecologic Institut, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin

ISSN: 1613-1363

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