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Activities and Measures to Foster Re-use of Used Goods in Berlin (Re-Use Berlin 2019)

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Activities and Measures to Foster Re-use of Used Goods in Berlin (Re-Use Berlin 2019)


Re-using used goods and products offers numerous economic, ecological and social potentials. Nevertheless, current waste management practice treats re-use as a secondary priority and not in the sense of a circular economy. This is particularly due to lacking attractive and easily accessible offers and a lack of a corresponding demand for used goods.

In its last coalition agreement (2016-2021), the State of Berlin committed itself to the "Zero Waste" model in order to transform its waste management towards a circular economy. Re-using goods takes centre stage in this transformation. In the context of the political goal of strengthening the reuse of used goods, the project aims at establishing structures in Berlin to help bringing the used goods market out of its niche.

The Ecologic Institute supports the project for the Berlin Senate Administration by designing and conducting expert dialogues in Berlin and by engaging into business model development for a department store of the future that includes used goods, repair services and educational offerings.


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Dr. Martin Hirschnitz-Garbers
Susanne Müller
Ariel Araujo
Project ID
Re-use, used goods
Berlin, Germany
Stakeholder workshops, expert dialogues, Business Model Development