Welchen Beitrag leisten die europäischen CO₂-Flottengrenzwerte für Pkw zum Klimaschutz?
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Prahl, Andreas; Katharina Umpfenbach, Kareesa Kron (2017): Welchen Beitrag leisten die europäischen CO2-Flottengrenzwerte für Pkw zum Klimaschutz?, Kurzstudie im Auftrag von Greenpeace e.V. Hamburg
In the frame of this project a short study on the policy instrument of specific CO2-emission targets for car manufacturers in the EU is carried out which analyses and evaluates the policy instrument. The foci of the research are two questions: How did the instrument perform regarding the reductions of specific CO2-emissions of passenger cars? And how much can it contribute to reduce overall CO2-emissions of passenger transport in the EU, so as to contribute to reaching the target of the Paris agreement to stay below a warming of 2°C? The short study is available for download.
After a short introduction to the corresponding EU regulation the study assesses the manufacturers' performance towards reaching their targets. Furthermore, overall CO2-emissions of passenger transport and their contributing factors are being analysed. In the end, the study examines to which degree the specific CO2-emission targets are suitable as a policy instrument to decarbonise passenger transport in the EU.