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ECONADAPT Toolbox: Data Repository


ECONADAPT Toolbox: Data Repository


Tröltzsch, J.; Rouillard, J.; Lago, M.; Hasenheit, M. (2016): ECONADAPT Toolbox: Data repository. ECONADAPT deliverable 10.5.

The ECONADAPT data repository was developed to include cost and benefit estimates for adaptation measures and with this support the evaluation of climate adaptation activities on different scales. It contained cost and benefits, which were compiled and estimated in the ECONADAPT Case study Work Packages 5-9. Furthermore, it included information from reviews in the methods oriented WPs. It was developed in a web-based format.

This report explains the objectives, target group, structure and content of the data repository. The data repository was structured to deliver easy access to estimated cost and benefit estimates of adaptation measures but also to interlink with the original documents which contain the estimation method and important assumptions used for the calculation which are essential for interpretation of results. The data repository contained 54 adaptation measures and 249 data sources.

The ECONADAPT data repository was part of the ECONADAPT Toolbox. For more information on the toolbox see also D10.1: "ECONADAPT Web-Toolbox" which contained an overview on all different toolbox products.


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Other Contributors: Chiabai, A.; Galarraga, I.; Hunt, A.; Kaprová, K.; Kuik, O.; Mechler; R.; Sainz de Murieta, E.; Tepes, A.; Scussolini, P.; Watkiss, P.

13 pp.
Project ID
Table of contents
layout, design, website concept, programming, toolbox, user guide, web-based database, library, data repository