The ECONADAPT data repository was developed to include cost and benefit estimates for adaptation measures and with this support the evaluation of climate adaptation activities on different scales. It contains cost and benefits which were compiled and estimated in the ECONADAPT Case study Work Packages 5-9. Furthermore, it includes information from reviews in the methods oriented WPs. It was developed in a web-based format.
The deliverable 10.4 had the aim to summarize and introduce the ECONADAPT Toolbox to potential users in a clear, brief format. It was a useful document for the wider dissemination of the toolbox.
Rouillard, J., Tröltzsch, J., Tarpey, J., Lago, M., Watkiss, P., Hunt, A. Bosello, F., Ermolieva, T., Goodess, C., Mechler, R., Parrado, R., Sainz de Murieta, E., Scussolini, P. (2016). The economic analysis of climate adaptation: Insights for policy-makers. ECONADAPT deliverable 10.3
The ECONADAPT project website advances the knowledge and evidence base on the economics of adaptation, and converts the findings into practical material to support decision-making. Innovative methods were co-developed and tested in a participative way with a diverse user groups engaged in adaptation policy at multiple governance scales. The results and findings from the project brought together in a toolbox.
Tröltzsch, Jenny; Manuel Lago; Josselin Rouillard et. al. (2015): Reviewing the Use of Non-monetary Metrics/Weights for Use in Decision-making of Adaptation to Climate Change Projects. Poster.
Rouillard, J., Tröltzsch, J., Lago, M., Markandya, A., Sainz de Murieta, E., Galarraga, I. (2016). Distributional objectives and non-monetary metrics. FP7 Econadapt project, Deliverable 2.3.
On 2 December 2015, Dr. Josselin Rouillard, Fellow at Ecologic Institute, together with Dr. Alistair Hunt from the University of Bath, gave a presentation at the ECONADAPT side event at COP21/CMP11 in Paris. The presentation slides are available for download.
The published OECD-report "Climate Change Risks and Adaptation: Linking Policy and Economics" sets out how the latest economic evidence and tools can enable better policy making for adaptation. Scientists from Ecologic Institute con-tributed to the chapter on the costs and benefits of adaptation on the national and regional scale.
The ECONADAPT project, on the Economics of Adaptation, was a research project funded by the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7). Recognizing that there is an economic rationale for climate change adaptation, the ECONADAPT project set out to advance the knowledge and evidence base on the economics of adaptation and to develop practical material to support decision making processes. ECONADAPT applied adaptation economics in several decision making scenarios that could require economic information including risk management, project appraisal, impact assessments and planning processes. Throughout the project innovative methods were co-developed and tested in a participative way with diverse stakeholders engaged in adaptation policy at multiple governance scales.
Recognizing that there is an economic rationale for climate change adaptation, the ECONADAPT project set out to advance the knowledge and evidence base on the economics of adaptation and to develop practical material to support decision making processes. ECONADAPT applied adaptation economics in several decision making scenarios that could require economic information including risk management, project appraisal, impact assessments and planning processes. Throughout the project innovative methods were co-developed and tested in a participative way with diverse stakeholders engaged in adaptation policy at multiple governance scales. Ecologic Institute designed and developed the project's website which presents the resources, case studies and the latest project news.