Region-specific Guidance on Resource Efficiency – Brochures Series
- Publication
- Citation
Ecologic Institute (2016): Region-specific Guidance on Resource Efficiency - Brochure Series. Brochure.
The issue of closing mineral cycles was analyzed in eight European regions and the results are presented in the report "Resource Efficiency in Practice – Closing Mineral Cycles". The authors of BIO IS, Ecologic Institute, AMEC, Danish Technical University, University of Milano and LEI, identified measures that support the closing of mineral cycles within the study regions. For each region, practical and strategic options to reduce the nutrient surplus further were derived.
The completion of a number of dissemination activities aimed at reaching out to relevant stakeholders. To this aim, four regional conferences in Ireland, Italy, Poland and Spain and a final conference in Brussels were organized in order to reach out to farmers and practitioners. As a final output also leaflets providing practical and region-specific guidance have been produced.