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Policies Supporting the German Resource Efficiency Programme ProgRess

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Policies Supporting the German Resource Efficiency Programme ProgRess


In order to advance resource policy nationally and internationally we need to analyse and foster the political and societal debate on sustainable resource use. Resource policy is a dynamic policy area with diverse and changing needs for action, constellations of actors and positions as well as a multitude of suggestions for policy targets and instruments. In this context, the project aims to support the implementation and further development of the German Resource Efficiency Programme ProgRess.

The project focuses on fostering horizontal and vertical resource policy integration, in particular through:

  • Identifying and analysing contexts and developments in science, the economy and society, which are relevant for ProgRess;
  • Investigating and adapting, if needed, the policy strategies and approaches as regards topicality and political feasibility;
  • Developing and elaborating suggestions for strategies and instruments aimed at fostering horizontal and vertical resource policy integration;
  • Developing a concrete conceptualisation for one resource policy instrument (in particular considering economic and legally binding instruments), as much as possible fit for implementation;
  • Enabling continuous stakeholder involvement;
  • Supporting the inclusion of the German Länder in an extended national platform for resource efficiency NaRess;
  • Establishing dialogue meetings between relevant supreme authorities of the federal state;
  • Elaborating proposals for an evaluation of ProgRess;
  • Detailing recommendations for the implementation and further development of ProgRess.

Ecologic Institute will support the research on policy strategies and instruments as well as conceptualise and organise stakeholder events.


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Dr. Martin Hirschnitz-Garbers
Project ID
Resource policy, policy integration
analysis, evaluation