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Ecologic Newsletter No. 162 – March 2016



  1. Facilitating Multi-level Governance for Energy Efficiency – multEE Internet Platform
  2. Statement of the German Advisory Council on the Environment on TTIP – Panel Discussion
  3. TTIP and Climate Change – Risk or Opportunity? – Publication
  4. Past, Present and Future of ETS – Webinar
  5. Social, Economic and Environmental Impacts of the Bioeconomy – Summary Report
  6. The Future is Bright, the Future is the European Bioeconomy? – BioSTEP Stakeholder Workshop
  7. Implementing the EU Adaptation Strategy – BASE Workshop
  8. BASE Project Featured at Adaptation Future Conference 2016 – Conference
  1. Facilitating Multi-level Governance for Energy Efficiency – multEE Internet Platform

    The multEE website provides valuable information on how to improve the consistency and quality of energy efficiency policy planning and implementation in the European Union (EU) and beyond. Project reports, policy briefs, events and relevant news are regularly featured and promoted on the multEE website.

  2. Statement of the German Advisory Council on the Environment on TTIP – Panel Discussion

    The German Advisory Council on the Environment (SRU) presented on 25 February 2016 a statement entitled "Environment and Free Trade: Environmentally sound design of TTIP". Following the presentation of the statement by Prof. Dr. Christian Callies, a member of the SRU, a panel discussion was held. Christiane Gerstetter, Senior Fellow, Ecologic Institute, was one of the participants, next to Prof. Dr. Gesine Schwan (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) and Dr. Stormy-Annika Mildner (Federation of German Industries).

  3. TTIP and Climate Change – Risk or Opportunity? – Publication

    In a book chapter, Christiane Gerstetter, Senior Fellow at Ecologic Institute, analyses the impact that the planned Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnerhip (TTIP) between the EU and the US could have on climate change. The book chapter is written in German. It is part of an edited volume entitled "Globalisierung, Freihandel und Umweltschutz in Zeiten von TTIP", which deals with various facets of the trade and environmenta debate.

  4. Past, Present and Future of ETS – Webinar

    In this second webinar in the series accompanying the ETS e-learning program, moderated by Ecologic Institute's Elizabeth Zelljadt, expert guest speaker Damien Meadows of the EU Commission discusses how the EU ETS came to be, changes to its structure over time, and the evolution of emissions trading systems in the future. The webinar is available online.

  5. Social, Economic and Environmental Impacts of the Bioeconomy – Summary Report

    This BioSTEP document builds on the previous Deliverable 2.1 which collected information about the impacts of bioeconomy-related products in a database. Rather than attempting to exhaustively list the whole plethora of products and processes in the bioeconomy, the database presents a taxonomy of the main product categories, production processes and types of feedstock in the bioeconomy as well as some salient sustainability impacts and governance issues. The document is available for download.

  6. The Future is Bright, the Future is the European Bioeconomy? – BioSTEP Stakeholder Workshop

    The aim of this workshop is to identify and discuss challenges, opportunities, and policy gaps surrounding the development of bioeconomy strategies across Europe. The outcome of this process will be a list of targeted policy recommendations for the (further) development of balanced and informed bioeconomy strategies at the regional, national and European level. The workshop will take place on 14 April 2016 in Utrecht (the Netherlands). Registration is now open!

  7. Implementing the EU Adaptation Strategy – BASE Workshop

    The EU research project "Bottom-Up Climate Adaptation Strategies for a Sustainable Europe" (BASE) announced the "Interactive Policy Workshop: Implementing the EU Adaptation Strategy – Practical insights and policy recommendations" to be held in Brussels (Belgium) on 9 June 2016. The aim of this workshop is to bring together European stakeholders to share experiences of adaptation to climate change in policy and practice. Stakeholder inputs will shape a series of recommendations that will be fed into the review of the EU Adaptation Strategy in 2017. Participation in this interactive workshop is free of charge. Please register now!

  8. BASE Project Featured at Adaptation Future Conference 2016 – Conference

    After the ECCA 2015 conference, the BASE project has been selected as a Best Practice project to be featured at the upcoming Adaptation Futures (AF 2016) Conference from10 until 13 May 2016, in Rotterdam (the Netherlands). BASE partners will present the project's research and tools in two sessions, several presentations and a variety of information material. Key adaptation tools developed within the projects will also be presented in the Tool Shed.

Publisher: Ecologic Institute, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
Person in charge: Dr. Camilla Bausch, Ecologic Institut, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
ISSN: 1613-1363

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