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RADOST Abschlussbericht


RADOST Abschlussbericht

und 5. RADOST-Jahresbericht


RADOST-Verbund (Ed.) 2014: RADOST-Abschlussbericht und 5. RADOST-Jahresbericht. RADOST-Berichtsreihe, Bericht Nr. 27. Berlin: Ecologic Institut.

After five years of research and dialog about climate change and adaptation along the German Baltic Sea coast, the RADOST project (Regional Adaptation Strategies for the German Baltic Sea Coast) presents its most important findings in this final report. Thanks to a joint effort between research institutions, businesses, public administrations, and civil society, adaptation strategies and measures were developed in the areas of: coastal protection, tourism and beach management, water management and agriculture, ports and maritime economy, conservation and land use, and renewable energies. The final report is available for download.

This final report provides an overview of the main activities and results from the entire project's duration from 2009 to 2014, with a particular focus on the time period from 2013 to 2014, following the previous annual reports.

The development of these adaptation strategies was based on extensive research in natural and engineering sciences, which is also presented here. Other chapters cover socio-economic analysis, exchange activities at national and international level, and the communication and dissemination of results about adaptation to climate change.

All 16 RADOST implementation projects that have been carried out in collaboration with local partners are described. These include inter alia, aquaculture in the Kiel Fjord, the use of geothermal energy in beach areas, the design of multifunctional artificial reefs, and the development of alternative crops.

While Ecologic Institute acted as the coordinator of the RADOST project, the project itself was sponsored by the research program "KLIMZUG – Climate Change in Regions" of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

After five years of research, project results are presented in the RADOST Final Report.


Karin Beese
Daniel Blobel
Published in
RADOST journal series, Report No. 27
Published by
156 pp.
Table of contents
climate change, adaptation
Baltic Sea coast