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Ecologic Newsletter No 11 - February 2004

Ecologic Newsletter No 11 - February 2004

Ecologic Institute Newsletter
  1. Employment versus Environmental Protection? Ecologic participates in Radio Broadcast
  2. Universal Membership in UNEP - Summary of Round Table
  3. Civil Society and UN Relationships - Summary of Consultation Meeting with Juan Mayr
  4. The German Water Sector under European Regulation?
  5. Public participation in the Havel coordination area (Berlin-Brandenburg)
  6. The Role of Tradable Permits in Water Pollution Control
  7. The Precautionary Principle in German Environmental Law
  8. Ecologic Brief: Applying EU Environmental Legislation

1. Employment versus Environmental Protection? Ecologic participates in Radio Broadcast

Vera Rodenhoff, Associate with Ecologic, takes part in the discussion "Employment versus Environmental Protection? - Economics and Environmental Policy within the scope of the European Enlargement" on 23 February 2004. The panel discussion takes place at the Tränenpalast in Berlin at 7:00 p.m. and will be broadcasted by DeutschlandRadio in real time.


2. Universal Membership in UNEP - Summary of Round Table

Ecologic organised the UNEP Round Table that took place on 2-3 February 2004 in Potsdam. The Summary is now available for download. The Round Table was intended to further the international discussion on the issue of universal membership in UNEP and to possibly develop a common understanding and set of strategies within the European Union. It was attended by representatives from thirteen current and four future EU Member States, the EU Commission, international organisations and academia.


3. Civil Society and UN Relationships - Summary of Consultation Meeting with Juan Mayr

On 13 December 2003, Juan Mayr was guest of honour at a Dinner Dialogue held jointly by Ecologic and the Heinrich Boell Foundation. Juan Mayr is member of the "Panel of Eminent Persons on civil Society and UN Relationships", which was established by the United Nations' Secretary-General Kofi Annan to advise on improving the involvement of civil society organisations in the work of the UN. The meeting was attended by representatives of non-governmental organisations in the fields of environment, development, and human rights.

A Summary of results is now online available.


4. The German Water Sector under European Regulation?

The German system of drinking water supply is under pressure: strategies of the European Commission indicate that water supply would not longer be subject to municipal self-administration but to European competition rules and maybe even to a mandatory tendering procedure. Such a development would have far-reacting effects on German drinking water supply. Against this background Ecologic, in co-operation with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, invited political actors from the European and national level as well as the water industry to an expert workshop which took place on 21 January 2004 in Berlin. The summary of the workshop can be downloaded.


5. Public participation in the Havel river basin (Berlin-Brandenburg)

Ecologic completed a report reviewing and evaluating past and present practices of public participation in water management in the Havel river basin for the implementation of the EU's Water Framework Directive (WFD). Project results were presented by Nicole Kranz at the TU Berlin workshop on 'Public involvement in river basin management' on 9/10 February 2004. The project report is available for download.


6. The Role of Tradable Permits in Water Pollution Control

R. Andreas Kraemer presented Ecologic's paper on "The Role of Tradable Permits in Water Pollution Control" in Santiago de Chile. The paper - which is now available for download - served as a conceptual framework to support discussions at the Technical Seminar on the Feasibility of the Application of Tradable Water Permits for Water Management in Chile (13-14 November 2003).


7. The Precautionary Principle in German Environmental Law

Simon Marr, in collaboration with Arne Schwemer, contributed a chapter on the Precautionary Principle in German Environmental Law to the Yearbook of European Environmental Law, which, in its third volume, focuses on the implementation of legal principles in EC environmental law.


8. Ecologic Brief: Applying EU Environmental Legislation

The latest Ecologic Brief has been published on Applying EU Environmental Legislation - Learning from the European Court Cases and the Example of the National Marine Park of Zakynthos. It examines procedures of non-compliance with nature conservation legislation of the EU and the possible actions to achieve compliance with these legislation. In addition, sustainable management of marine protected areas and financial instruments for nature conservation are discussed. Best practices are included in order to illustrate the topics presented in this paper.