Does European Regulation Threaten the German Water Sector?
- Event
- Date
- Location
- Berlin, Germany
The German drinking water supply system is under pressure: European Commission plans indicate that the water supply should no longer be subject to municipal self-administration, but instead to European competition rules, and maybe even to a mandatory tendering procedure. Such a development would have far-reaching effects on the German drinking water supply. Against this background, Ecologic, in co-operation with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, invited political actors from the European and national level, as well as representatives from the water industry, to an expert workshop that took place on 21 January 2004 in Berlin.
The national modernisation strategy of the water sector deals with the future of water services in Germany, but up to now has been relatively separate from recent European developments. In order to actively influence the European general framework, it is high time to discuss the possible impacts on the German water supply at a broad-based political level and, based on this, to deliver a common position to Brussels.
Neither a private nor a public water supply is inherently good or bad. Positive and negative examples exist of each case. What is important is how each system is implemented. Germany has a lot to lose in this context: a system of drinking water supply with unquestioned high quality and security of supply which proved itself over several decades could be changed by European frameworks in such a way that traditional strengths of the system will be destroyed.
The aim of the workshop was to discuss and identify how the national modernisation strategy can be more effectively integrated with European developments and how German interests can brought constructively into Brussels policy.
- Workshop programme [pdf, 138 KB, German]
- List of participants [pdf, 74 KB]
- Summary of the discussion [pdf, 141 KB, German]
- Resolution of the German Bundestag Sustainable Water Management in Germany [pdf, 73 KB, German]