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Ecologic Newsletter No 135 - December 2013



  1. The Social Dimension of Ecosystem-Based Adaptation - UNEP Policy Brief
  2. How Will We Know if Absolute Decoupling Has Been Achieved? - Publication
  3. The Underlying Reasons for Resource (In)Efficiencies - Publication
  4. Implementing the Precautionary Principle for Climate Engineering - Publication
  5. TTIP: Hope or Hype – or a Risk to the Environment? - Presentation
  6. Experience with the EEG 2012 and Views of an Amendment - Presentation
  7. European Union Action to Fight Environmental Crime - An EU Research Project - Presentation
  8. Marine litter in the Baltic Sea: challenges and opportunities (CleanSea Workshop) - Event
  9. Energiewende Made in the USA - Luncheon with Amory Lovins

  1. The Social Dimension of Ecosystem-Based Adaptation - UNEP Policy Brief

    This policy brief is part of the UNEP Policy Series on Ecosystem Management and represents a collaborative project between Ecologic Institute, UNEP, and Cornell University. The brief seeks to address and raise awareness of the social dimension of ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) to climate change, laying particular emphasis on the social impacts of EbA on the global, national, regional and local levels as well as on social considerations in designing and implementing EbA. The authors highlight appropriate methods and measures and provide policy recommendations to facilitate successful EbA implementation and, through it, the delivery of expected benefits for local communities. The policy brief is available for download.

  2. How Will We Know if Absolute Decoupling Has Been Achieved? - Publication

    The objective of the DYNAMIX project is to identify policy mixes to absolute decoupling of economic growth from resource use and its associated environmental impacts. This study by Ecologic Institute's Katharina Umpfenbach serves to clarify the shared key assumptions that are used throughout the project and ensure their consistent application. It goes on to present a framework for assessing the effectiveness, sustainability, and cost-effectiveness of EU policy mixes aimed at achieving absolute decoupling. The Common Approach stems from two main roots: an analysis of literature and policy documents, and intense discussion, both within the consortium and with stakeholders. The study is available for download.

  3. The Underlying Reasons for Resource (In)Efficiencies - Publication

    Ecologic Institute's Dr. Martin Hirschnitz-Garbers, Albrecht Gradmann und Dr. Tanja Srebotnjak contributed to the report "The Underlying Reasons for Resource (In)Efficiencies." This report identifies the main inefficiencies of resource use in the European Union (EU) and investigates their drivers and underlying causes. While progress has been made in increasing the economic benefits of resource use in the EU, there is still significant potential to increase resource efficiency and hence to decouple economic development from resource use and environmental degradation. The report and anaccompanying executive summary are available for download.

  4. Implementing the Precautionary Principle for Climate Engineering - Publication

    The precautionary principle is used in arguments both for and against climate engineering: On the one hand, the principle can suggest caution against climate engineering so as to minimize the (unknown) risks of proposed techniques to the environment and health. On the other hand, arguments can be made that climate engineering is a precautionary measure against the (known) risks of climate change. This article, written by Elizabeth Tedsen and Gesa Homann, provides an overview of this debate and what the precautionary principle means in a climate engineering context.

  5. TTIP: Hope or Hype – or a Risk to the Environment? - Presentation

    On 14 December 2013, Ecologic Institute's Christiane Gerstetter discussed the potential impact of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) on environmental regulation. She identified real risks for the future regulatory freedom of the involved parties if certain clauses currently under discussion were to be agreed upon. In conclusion, she found the risks posed by TTIP from an environmental point of view to be greater than potential benefits. The presentation was delivered as part of the conference "TTIP – Hope or Hype? A Look at the Proposed Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership", organized by the Heidelberg Center for American Studies. The presentation slides are available for download.

  6. Experience with the EEG 2012 and Views of an Amendment - Presentation

    During the 7th Biomass Forum, Dr. Wolfgang Urban, Senior Analyst at Ecologic Institute, presented experiences with the EEG 2012. He outlined the political objectives and guidelines for the further development of the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG). He also gave an overview of initial position, objectives, and procedures for an EEG reform, the current status of these discussions and the prospects and challenges arising from this for bioenergy. The presentation slides are available for download.

  7. European Union Action to Fight Environmental Crime - An EU Research Project - Presentation

    On 12 November 2013, Christiane Gerstetter of the Ecologic Institute presented the EU-funded project "European Union Action to Fight Environmental Crime" (EFFACE) during a seminar on environmental crime at Tilburg University in the Netherlands. Ecologic Institute is the coordinator of the EFFACE project. The presentation slides are available for download.

  8. Marine Litter in the Baltic Sea: Challenges and Opportunities (CleanSea Discussion) - Event

    On 14 November 2013, a workshop on marine litter in the Baltic Sea took place at the Ecologic Institute's offices in Berlin. Susanne Altvater, a Fellow at Ecologic Institute, gave an introductory presentation on the topic and on the CleanSea project in general to German representatives of the relevant industries. Subsequently Matthias Mossbauer presented the first results of the project MARLISCO. Dr. Ingo Sartorius presented activities of the plastic associations regarding marine litter. All presentation slides are available for download.

  9. Energiewende Made in the USA - Luncheon with Amory Lovins

    On 27 November 2013, Amory Lovins, the American physicist and environmental scientist, visited Ecologic Institute in Berlin. During a luncheon he spoke to the audience about the most important research findings of his most recent book: "Reinventing Fire." Amory Lovins is one of the cofounders, the chief scientist, and the chairman emeritus of the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI), a research and consulting organization that focuses on sustainable development. He has been active in the fields of energy, natural resources, economics, development, security, and environment for over 40 years and in over 50 countries.

Publisher: Ecologic Institute, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
Person in charge: R. Andreas Kraemer, Ecologic Institut, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
ISSN: 1613-1363

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