Wunder, Stephanie; Martin Hirschnitz-Garbers; Timo Kaphengst 2014: Ressourceneffizienz und Flächeninanspruchnahme. Nexus-Papier 2 im Projekt Ressourcenpolitik: Analyse der ressourcenpolitischen Debatte und Entwicklung von Politikoptionen (PolRess). www.ressourcenpolitik.de
On 8 April 2014, the second monitoring report from the Federal Government and the joint statement from the Expert Commissions about the "Energy of the Future" monitoring process were presented. The Ecologic Institute supports the work of the Expert Commission by providing scientific input. The statement on the German "Energiewende", under review for the second year in 2012, had mixed findings. The major message is that while Germany is expected to meet its renewable energy targets, further efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve energy efficiency are necessary. The joint statement is available for download.
How can energy cooperatives contribute to energy transition in rural areas? In this study, Timo Kaphengst and Eike Velten examine the role of energy cooperatives for Sustainable Development, analyzing a case study in Northern Bavaria. The report is available for download.
Lambert, A./Hirschnitz-Garbers, M. (2014): Ressourceneffizienz und High-Tech-Materialien. Kurzanalyse 10 im Projekt Ressourcenpolitik: Analyse der ressourcenpolitischen Debatte und Entwicklung von Politikoptionen (PolRess). www.ressourcenpolitik.de
Determining environmental impacts of products is complex. In this study, BIO IS, the Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP) and the Ecologic Institute investigated approaches for verifying that claims made by companies on the environmental properties of products or their own overall environmental performance are correct. The study was commissioned by the European Commission, DG Environment. The Ecologic Institute contributed an analysis on the law of the World Trade Organziation as far as relevant for related policy measures. The report is available for download.
As renewable energy sources are more widely used and corresponding support systems expanded, the economic significance of the sector is also growing. This, in turn, also leads to a growing potential for trade disputes involving renewable energy production. This study on renewable energy law presents the international legal framework relevant to support systems for renewable energy, notably WTO law. A particular focus is on local-content requirements existing in this sectors as well as on trade remedy procedures. The study (in German) is available for download, including an English summary.
A new report on Arctic information and communication needs ("Gap Analysis Report") has been released as part of the Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment of development of the Arctic Preparatory Action project, funded by DG Environment of the European Commission. The Gap Analysis Report was led by Ecologic Institute in partnership with the European Science Foundation, National Research Council of Italy, Sámi Education Institute, and Tromsø Centre for Remote Sensing. The report is available for download.
This report, written by Ecologic Institute, the Institute for Managing Sustainability, and ICLEI indicates the importance of local and regional authorities (LRAs) to achieve the targets of Europe 2020. Additionally, it includes guidelines and suggestions for a better involvement of the local and regional authorities besides focusing on targets that are more realistic. The report includes desk analysis and broad online consultation to substantiate this document and is available for download.
This report contains a presentation of the effects of climate change on German coastal areas, possible courses of action through spatial planning and ICZM, possible methods for communication and participation, a description of the four case studies and recommendations for action for the implementation of ICZM, spatial planning and the funding of these measures. The report is available for download.
The German energy transition impacts neighbouring countries; however this fact has yet to be adequately addressed in Germany. This study builds on insights gained during trilateral meetings and provides information and analyses which explain the different approaches and debates in the Czech Republic, Germany, and Poland. The authors – among them Dr. Camilla Bausch and Sascha Müller-Kraenner from Ecologic Institute – offer a range of recommendations, in particular for better cross-border cooperation and intensified dialogue with the goal of facing our energy and climate challenges together. The study is available for download.
Even though Europe's seas contribute highly to our economic and social well-being by offering a diverse array of species, habitats and ecosystems, they are threatened by human activities. In order to protect Europe's seas from irreversible damage the European Environment Agency (EEA) published 'Marine messages' that gives an overview of the current state-of-affairs of European seas and our use of them. Benjamin Boteler and Dr. Manuel Lago from the Ecologic Institute contributed to this report. The brochure is available for download.