The EU is currently discussing two overlapping policy frameworks: The Climate and Energy Framework for 2020 to 2030 and the Energy Union strategy. As a key element of the reformed system, the EU intends to reduce administrative burden for member states by streamlining planning and reporting requirements. As a contribution to this debate, a new Ecologic Institute study assesses risks and opportunities of four concrete streamlining options. The study is available for download.
This report explores the possibility of linking Water Framework Directive (WFD) and Habitats Directive (HD) information by using WISE WFD information on types, ecological status, pressures and measures (EEA, 2012) and HD infor-mation on habitat types, conservation status and threats (EC, 2007). Among the authors are Ecologic Institute's Eleftheria Kampa and Ulf Stein. The report is available for download.
Tedsen, Elizabeth; R. Andreas Kraemer 2015: Regional Environmental Challenges and Solutions in the Pan-Atlantic Space. ATLANTIC FUTURE scientific paper no. 32, Berlin.
This report takes stock of adaptation planning and measures to date in Europe and globally. Case studies for assessment were selected based on criteria developed in line with the key principles and objectives of BASE. The report provides a general assessment of 136 selected case studies focusing on aspects including types of measure, stakeholder groups involved, sectors, decision support tools (participatory and economic), and funding sources. A further nine case studies are then explored in more detail in regard to measure selection and methods.
Srebotnjak, Tanja et al. 2015: Methodische Grundlagen des Environment Burden of Disease (EBD)-Ansatzes der WHO zur quantitativen Bewertung von umweltbedingten Krankheitslasten. Chancen, Risiken und Grenzen der Methodik aus naturwissenschaftlicher, rechtlicher und ethischer Perspektive (EBDreview), Dessau-Roßlau. ISSN 1862-4340.
Hirschnitz-Garbers, M. und Langsdorf, S. (2015): Informationskampagnen für Konsumentinnen und Konsumenten – Effekte und Ausrichtungen. Vertiefungsanalyse 4 im Projekt Ressourcenpolitik: Analyse der ressourcenpolitischen Debatte und Entwicklung von Politikoptionen (PolRess).
The European Environment Agency’s (EEA) report aims to assess whether Europe is meeting the goals of the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). The authors, among them scientists at Ecologic Institute, argue that the European Union is not on a path to fulfill its ambition of achieving sustainable use of its seas; despite being fully capable to do so using the current array of existing policies and knowledge. The report is available for download.
The objective of this report was to establish a starting position for potential advances in DRR strategies through review, data collection and historical analysis. In particular, the report reviewed (supra-)national DRR management plans for all CSs and analysed large-scale historical events to derive lessons-learned at RISC-KIT European CSs in the United Kingdom, Portugal, Italy, and France. Large-scale events like tropical cyclones and hurricanes were also analysed for Bangladesh and the USA. An interdisciplinary approach drawing on the physical, economic, social and historical sciences was used to ensure that all aspects relevant to the project were considered.
Bausch, Camilla et al.. 2015. European governance and the low-carbon pathway: Analysis of challenges and opportunities arising from overlaps between climate and energy policy as well as from centralisation of climate policies. CECILIA2050 WP4 Deliverable 4.2. Berlin: Ecologic Institute.
On 20 May 2015, the European Environment Agency (EEA) released its State of Nature in the EU technical report, representing the EU's most comprehensive assessment to date of the status and trends of the EU's birds, habitats and non-bird species. The report is accompanied by a summary report and a brochure released by the European Commission's Directorate-General (DG) for Environment that highlight the technical report's key policy messages. Ecologic Institute contributed to each of the technical report's chapters as part of the EEA's European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity (ETC-BD) and is one of the report's lead authors. The report is available for download.
The American Institute for Contemporary German Studies (AICGS) at Johns Hopkins University released a report detailing the future of power in a post-carbon society. Max Grünig, from Ecologic Institute co-authored the report with David Livingston. This Policy Report offers German and American perspectives on the emerging fuel challenges in the transportation sector and the importance of post-carbon cities. It is an example of AICGS' commitment to comparing and contrasting the interests and policies of Germany and the United States in an effort to identify common policy challenges, choices and opportunities. The report is available for download.
This study collects and analyses the information from the 28 Member States and their regions and cities on the implementation of the EU Birds and Habitats Directive and management of Natura 2000. Desk-based research including a review of case law were employed to gather information on and analyse the Directives. The study is available for download.
The Renewable Energy Directive (RED) established a framework for promoting renewable energy development in all sectors, including binding national renewable energy targets and a mandatory target of 10% for all Member States for renewable energy use in transport. Commissioned by DG Energy, a consortium composed of CE Delft, Ricardo-AEA, Ecologic Institute, E-Bridge and REKK carried out an assessment of the effectiveness and efficiency so far of measures and actions laid down in the Directive. Stephan Sina, Christine Lucha, Andreas Prahl and Lenat Donat contributed to the study. The study is available for download.
Climate change and its impacts are already tangible and necessitate swift and concrete adaptation and mitigation actions. This involves a dual approach, which combats the causes of climate change and also supports society in dealing with a changing climate and its effects. This comprehensive study synthesizes evidence from ecosystem-based projects from across the German-speaking regions of Europe and presents the goals and activities of such projects, their benefits, and the barriers they face. It also develops recommendations for policy makers. The study is available for download.