Related content for project "Cost and Financing of Community Renewable Energy Projects (FIN-COMMUNITY)" (project ID 2119)
While key barriers faced by community renewable energy projects are generally well understood, there is much less information available about the actual costs and financing implications. This report sheds light on the costs and corresponding financial impacts faced by community-owned renewable energy projects, especially in comparison to commercial renewable energy projects. The report, which was written collaboratively by Christine Lucha and Andreas Prahl(Ecologic Institute), is available for download.
IEA-RETD (2016), Cost and financing aspects of community renewable energy projects. Volume II: Danish Case Study. Ricardo Energy & Environment and Ecologic Institute, IEA-RETD Operating Agent, IEA Implementing Agreement for Renewable Energy Technology Deployment (IEA-RETD), Utrecht, 2016.
IEA-RETD (2016), Cost and financing aspects of community renewable energy projects. Volume II: German Case Study. Ricardo Energy & Environment and Ecologic Institute, IEA-RETD Operating Agent, IEA Implementing Agreement for Renewable Energy Technology Deployment (IEA-RETD), Utrecht, 2016.
The overall objective of the project is to identify, document and assess the cost and financial impacts faced by community-owned renewable energy projects compared to commercial renewable energy projects, meaning projects realised by large investors.