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Cost and Financing of Community Renewable Energy Projects (FIN-COMMUNITY)

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Cost and Financing of Community Renewable Energy Projects (FIN-COMMUNITY)


The overall objective of the project is to identify, document and assess the cost and financial impacts faced by community-owned renewable energy projects compared to commercial renewable energy projects, meaning projects realised by large investors.

The project reviews the costs faced by communities in six countries (UK, Germany, Denmark, Ireland, Canada, Japan and France). Ecologic Institute carries out the case studies for Germany and Denmark.

As the finances of community renewable energy projects are highly dependent on the national and regional policy context, e.g. incentives or planning consents, the project includes an assessment of the relevant policy framework and potential future policy trends.

Research methods include telephone and web-based interviews with communities and policy makers, financial modelling, as well as desk based research.

All project publications can be assessed via the IEA-RETD website. The main report, as well as the German and Danish case studies are also directly provided below.

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Christine Lucha
Andreas Prahl
Project ID
Renewable Energies
Germany, Denmark
case study, interview, financial modelling