As part of the project InContext, Ecologic Institute has designed four posters concerned with sustainable lifestyle initiatives in the Netherlands, Germany, and Austria. The posters, illustrated with photos and maps, provide in-depth information on the process and results of the initiatives. They were displayed at the final project conference of InContext and are available for download.
The posters were used to foster interaction among participants. They were displayed in an open exhibition and later presented and discussed in smaller round tables in a World Café format.
The posters offer insights into the following pilot projects and case studies which support sustainable living:
- Creating meeting space in the community in Wolfhagen, Germany [pdf, 660 KB, English]
- Lebensklima in Finkenstein, Austria [pdf, 580 KB, English]
- Getting a grip on local challenges in Rotterdam, The Netherlands (pdf, 660 KB, English]
- Regaining power over food production and consumption in Austria [pdf, 660 KB, English]
The project InContext aims at investigating the drivers of and barriers to a sustainable lifestyle at local and individual levels. Its final conference informed representatives of local initiatives, policy-makers and researchers about the project results and invited them to exchange ideas and experiences.