
Competition: Adaptation Pioneers Wanted!


What practical measures can already be taken and implemented now in order to adapt to climate change? The competition "forward-thinking change – act now: adaptation pioneers wanted!" is looking for answers to this question. It was launched by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment and KomPass – the German Federal Environment Agency’s Competence Centre on Climate Impacts and Adaptation – in cooperation with Ecologic Institute.

The competition specifically asks for adaptation measures that have either been completed or are in the process of implementation. Those interested can participate in the competition by entering descriptions of their measures online into the newly created KomPass database for climate change adaptation measures. The competition is aimed especially at local and regional administrations, companies and non-governmental organisations in Germany. Contributions will be accepted until 2 April 2011.

More detailed information (in German only) can be found here.

Further Links:


Ecologic Institute, Berlin

Pfalzburger Strasse 43/44 | 10717 Berlin | Germany

Tel. +49 (30) 86880-0 I Fax +49 (30) 86880-100


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