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Convergence with EU IPPC Policies


Convergence with EU IPPC Policies

Short Guide for ENP Partners and Russia


Neubauer, Alexander 2007: Convergence with EU IPPC Policies – Short Guide for ENP Partners and Russia. Brussels: European Communities.

Industrial production processes account for a considerable share of the overall pollution in Europe. To minimize harmful effects on the environment and push for environmentally sound technology, the EU’s Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control policy (IPPC) requires polluting operators to obtain environmental permits for running their industrial installations. By doing so, the policy aims at providing incentives for clean technologies and eventually excluding irresponsible polluters.

Willing to complement the EU's efforts to implement IPPC standards within the Union, the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) promotes cooperation between the EU and its Eastern and Southern neighbours. To support the effort, the European Commission has issued a guide to pollution prevention and control for its European neighbours and Russia.

Drafted by Ecologic Fellow Alexander Neubauer, the guide outlines a wide range of benefits deriving from compliance with the EC Directive on Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control, like the reduction of harmful emissions. However, the environmental and socio-economic gains associated with these successes will not materialise unless the main challenges to convergence are overcome. To achieve this goal, the guide serves as a roadmap toward less air pollution.

The guide is a result of Ecologic’s project "Environmental Components of the European Neighbourhood Policy."

It can be downloaded in four languages:

English [pdf, 594 kB]

French [pdf, 780 kB]

Russian [pdf, 811 kB]

Arabic [pdf, 1007 kB]

This guide on nature protection policy is part of a series of short convergence guides for ENP Partners and Russia published by the European Commission. Their purpose is to help EU neighbours realise the benefits associated with ENP Action Plans.

The following guides have been published in this series:

Covergence with Nature Protection Policies

Convergence with EU Air Pollution Policies

Convergence with EU IPPC Policies

Convergence with EU Waste Policies

Convergence with EU Water Policies

Horizontal Environmental EC Legislation

More content from this project

Alexander Neubauer
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26 pp.
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ENP, European Commission, European Neighbourhood Policy, IPPC, Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control, IPPC Directive, greenhouse gas, emission, environment permit
EU, Russia